Chapter 9: Laughing at Annabeth. (And discussions.)

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Percy POV:

Annabeth drops her hand and returns it to her side, smiling smugly.

We all stare at her. After about ten seconds of silence, Zoe starts shaking and then lets out a small laugh, and it grows.

Soon, all of us have burst out, laughing our a**es off. Annabeth's smile falls, and she looks around the circle confused.

"Why are you laughing?" She demands.

"You thought that I was - bahahahaha!, gods above, that's hilarious," I cry, holding my sides.

Annabeth looks at me. "Wait, you're not Luke?"

"Hah! No, Annabeth, I'm not," I say, still laughing.

"Annabeth, Luke is dead, and Hope isn't bringing back dead demigods," Thalia says.

I cough, and everyone manages to quiet down. "Actually, Thalia, I have brought dead demigods, and Luke is one of them. Me and him are very close, aren't we Hero?"

I can tell Luke is smiling under his mask. He's been waiting ages to throw people off with a conversation like this. "Oh yeah. You and Luke are like two peas in a pod," he says, shaking his head.

Zoe grabs his hand. "Oh, don't be jealous that he's closer to Luke than his second in command, hun."

Annabeth looks at me. "You're not Luke?"

"No, Annabeth, I'm not. Now, I appreciate your joke, but like I said, I'm not fond of being spied on, so please leave and let me continue my conversation."

"Give me Riptide," She demands.

"Why do you want Percy's sword anyways?" Artemis asks.

Annabeth looks at Artemis. "He was important to me, and I want something to remember him by."

"Important enough for you to cheat on him?"

Annabeth splutters. "Wha - I didn't -"

Artemis waves her hand. "Don't try to deny it. He traveled with the Hunt after he left Camp. He told me everything."

Annabeth crosses her arms. "Everything?"

Artemis grins. "Yes. EVERYTHING. Including the scar."

Annabeth's face pales. "Wh-which one?"

Artemis's grin grows wider, but gains undertones of a threat. "Both."

Annabeth looks at Artemis, seeming scared.

"Annie? What is lady Artemis talking about?" Asks Thalia.

"Oh, just how she carved a word ino Percy," I respond nonchalantly.

Thalia glances at me and then looks back at Annabeth. "You did what?"

Annabeth starts to stammer and quickly puts her cap on, running away.

"Well, now that she's gone, I believe that we have things to discuss!" I say.

"Wait, wait, Percy. What word did Annabeth carve into you?" Thalia asks, worried.

"I'll tell you later," I say with a wave of my hand. "Now, currently, the 'Chaos cabin' is next to the Big House. Are you Hunters okay with me having a way to directly travel between the Artemis cabin and mine?"

The Hunters think for a bit but nod their consent. I clap, and the Chaos and Artemis cabin rumble.

"Alright. In your guys' cabin, there will be a new door. That connects to our cabin. Once we all get together in my cabin, I can explain stuff. Got it?"

Percy Jackson, the embodiment of hope.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon