Chapter 37: The Ship.

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[A/N: The ship is like the size of two Imperial star destroyers, and looks like the Axium from Wall-E.]

"What did they do to her..?" Percy whispered in agony.

Luke put his hand on Percy's shoulder, not knowing what else to do. The other four looked around the room anxiously.

The six of them had snuck aboard the ship, with very direct mission orders from Chaos.

Obliterate the ship and try to get Estelle out.

For three hours, they had slowly, painstakingly, snuck past every obstacle before finally making it to Estelle's chambers. If you could call it that. She was in a completely white room with a singular half glass half mirror wall, which the team members were staring through.

It had a small bed, a small desk, and many, many drawings, with only about two crayons and 3 sheets of blank paper left. There were splotches of blood in the room, and Estelle was rocking on the bed, sobbing, bunched into a ball.

But that's not the worst part. Not even close. She was about six, and her body was covered in multicolored tattoos and scars, all glowing various shades of red or black.

Percy stared at his sister through the glass in pain and anger. "How... how could they! She's a child!" He said angrily.

Orion looked around the room they were in, his robotic eye whirring and clicking as it analyzed everything, sending it directly to Beckendorf to be utilized.

"Guys, we need to get out fast. The moment we get her out of that room, the entire ship will know," he said.

Percy took his mask off and stuffed it in his cloak, before turning and nodding to Theseus. Theseus grimaced and pulled his arm back for a punch. His fist slammed into the glass wall, obliterating it.

Estelle's head whipped to the glass, and Percy rushed forward, noting her one bright, glowing orange eye. Red lights started flashing, and alarms started to blare.

"Estelle, hey," he said quickly as he got stood in front of her. "We're gonna get you out, okay?"

She stared at him with wide eyes. "P-percy?" She asked hesitantly.

Percy nodded. "Yeah. It's me, Wavepool."

Estelle grabbed his cloak and hugged him tight, crying.

Percy swallowed with difficulty and picked her up in his arms, cradling her crying form, as she sobbed into his chest.

He turned around and rushed out of the white room. Theseus grabbed the Veroxian metal door that had slammed shut behind them and ripped it apart.

"Security measures like that don't work against me," he said somewhat pridefully.

Castor slapped the back of his head. "Not the time!" He said as he rushed out of the door.

Lee laughed at Theseus's astounded face as he followed Castor.

Soon, all of them were running through the hallways they had snuck through, cutting wires and kicking open random doors on their ways through.

They entered a massive room full of monsters. As they slashed through them, Castor's eyes widened.

He threw his hands up, and instantly, all the members of the team were incased in massive, viny balls. In his last moments, he smiled.

"What is-" Percy began to say before he was cut off by a massive explosion. A small symbol on Estelle's shoulder glowed a deep red.

The vines receded, and everyone stared at the room in shock. Everything was charred black, and there was no sign of Castor.

"Go!" Lee yelled, tears stinging his eyes. They continued running through hallways, not processing what had just happened. It had happened too fast.

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