Chapter 48: kurger Bing (EXPLOSION!)

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Erebus's assassin really didn't like Burger King. But of course, it had to be the closest food place to the Hunters. She walked towards the restaurant, and one of her ghost friends, Clubber, pointed at the sign.

"KURGER BING!" He yelled happily.

Arrows snorted and woke up, falling from the nice resting place he had on the assassin's head and falling directly through her. Gem and Heatwave looked up from their rock paper scissors match behind the assassin, both growing massive smiles.

"Finally," Clubber said. "You never eat good food."

The assassin's looked offended. "Excuse me? I eat what I have to, and I can tell you for sure that Burger King is -"

Heatwave held up his hand. "Kurger Bing. Say it right."

She looked at him as he was crazy. "I am saying it right."

Gem shook his head. "No, you're not."

"Yes I am."

"No you're not."

"Yes I am."

"No your not."

"Yes I -"

"Enough!" Arrows said, finally floating like all the others. "Just go get food from the place."

The assassin smiled at him. "Thank you."

Clubber drummed on her skull, his ghostly hands going through her head. "Hurry up! I'm starving!"

"How? We're dead!" Heatwave asked.

The assassin shook her head in exasperation and entered the restaurant - sorry, food establishment. [A/N: Aren't they the same thing?]

Thankfully, there was a small line. She stood in the back and looked over the menu.

"Ooh! Get a chicken sandwich," Heatwave said.

Gem looked at him in disgust. "Ew, no. Get a Whopper."

"GET THE CHICKEN NUGGIES!" Clubber yelled, making the assassin wince.

"Guys, let her choose," Arrows said. "She never gets to pick her own food."

The three pouted but relented, putting the happiness of the assassin before their own. She nodded gratefully at Arrows, who cracked a smile and whispered, "In my opinion, you should just go into the woods, find an animal, kill it, cook it, and eat that."

She grinned and walked up to the counter. "Hello, ma'am," She said to the cashier.

The cashier smiled at her. "Hello."

Her eyes scanned the restaurant. "Where are you parents?"

The assassin's eye twitched. "At home. I'm going to my friends and buying some food on the way."

The cashier nodded in understanding. "What would you like?"

"A Bacon King," the assassin said.

Clubber giggled and whispered, "Kacon bing."

Arrows slapped the back of his head.

"And what's the name for that order?" The cashier asked.

The four ghosts slowly turned their head to the assassin, chanting and laughing.

"C'mon," Clubber said. "You get to choose your name this time, so do something funny!"

"Linda. My name is Linda," the assassin said.

The ghosts threw up their arms and cheered.

"Okay, Linda. Would you like a drink as well?" The cashier asked.

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