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I hugged Bianca tightly, I felt like crying, we are currently at the airport and Bianca was returning back to New York, I felt like I was being torn on half. I wished she could stay but she couldn't I didn't want to risk it all, it was already enough that she came to LA, I didn't want to get in the cross fire of Eduardo's fight with Rio.

"Call you when you get to New York and call me everyday after! Are we clear?!" I said sternly and she nodded with a sad smile.

"I wish I could stay a few more days but this trip is unplanned and it will cost me at work." I nodded, I was glad she was leaving for her safety but also sad that I would go back to they boring house, with nothing much to do.

She finally pulled away from me, leaving me feeling emptiness and saddened. I waved at her as she ran off, I turned back to Mikel and CJ, Eduardo was very busy today, I didn't see him after I woke up. I was to wrapped up with Bianca that I didn't bother to check his office, I found out later that he was out.

We walked silently back to the car, I didn't want Bianca to leave me but I couldn't harm her. She was really happy to come here but I didn't want her here again.

We got to the house and Eduardo was sitting in the living room, Alejandro, Miguel and a new man was sitting altogether talking. I walked toward him, and pecked his cheeks, "Aviva," he stated. He was looking through a file of some sort.

"Good morning, I didn't find you this morning, I assumed you were busy."

"I was, continue," he said to the stranger before his eyes went back to me, "I assume you saw Bianca off?" I nodded.

"Thank you," he nodded. I glanced back at Mikel who followed me, CJ had already taken a sit before we left.

"Aunt Dina, how are you? We have no spoken in a while." I said sitting on my stool, Eduardo had gotten me a make up artist that could help with my face.

When Catalina invited me to Lorenzo's engagement I was surprised, well not really, but who would ever want to marry Lorenzo Manici? He was a brute, and half the time he wouldn't say anything, and the other half he was threaten to kill someone. He was every bit of intimidating and it was very apparent that be was proud of it. It was a little frightening and very unnecessary.

I didn't hear much details about the woman that he was getting married to but I heard she was the long lost daughter of some cartel or something. I was still vetting used to a lot of this mafia thing.

"Aviva, I am fine, I need you to listen and listen carefully," I frowned, she sounded panicked, as if someth had happened, what was wrong with her?

"What's wrong aunty Dina? Are you alright?" I questioned.

"You do no need to worry about me, just come home, you need to come home!"

"Home? What are you talking about? I told you I can't come home yet, I have things that I am doing here..."

"You cannot stay there Aviva, it is too dangerous! You have to come back home!" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What do you mean by dangerous? Aunty Dina you have to answer me! What do you mean by dangerous."

"There is no time to explain much but there are some dangerous people in LA, they can't know of your existence or you will be in serious danger," what was she saying?

"Aunt Dina you are not making any sense, can you just elaborate? I cannot come to new York just like that, I have things that are important to me that I am doing here!"

What the hell was she going on about?! I didn't say anything but I didn't understand and it was impossible to leave LA.

"You need to come back to New York city, something has happened! Something bad! You cannot possibly stay there!"

Eduardo's Dandelion.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora