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Double update, enjoy 😍


I kissed Eduardo, we were in the Mancini mansion, and they were having a mission, an important mission that they would not tell us much about. Rosalia was excited for me to be there, I did not want to be anywhere near Catalina, and she did not try to talk to me.

I hugged him tightly and he laughed, "Don't laugh Eduardo! This is serious!" I scolded him, and he sighed.

"Alright, alright," I said, "I will not die, I swear." I pulled him into a hug again. I did not want anything to happen to him. I did not want him to die, it just felt very scary this time, this was not the first time that they were going to attack Rio but I was scared, terrified, I remembered what happened to him the last time. When he was shot, he was so sure that he was going to come back.

He pulled away from me, and I sighed, watching him join his men, they allided onto a bus, Rosalia was standing next to me, she watched her new husband climb onto the bus but he did not even say goodbye to her. I did not comment, it was none of my business. We walk back into the house without Catalina who had shown it that she wanted nothing to do with Rosalia. From what Eduardo said I would think that there was nothing between Lorenzo and Catalina but with the way she acted, it didn't seem so.

"I have been meaning to ask you when your due date is?" Rosalia asked with a smile.

"Next two month, about the fourth of November," I answered as we approached the greenhouse, she opened it for me and we walked in.

"This place is amazing,' I said in awe, "I know right, I spent the last week here trying to work on the plant, I mean, a lot of them were not been probably taken care of."

"Oh wow are those daffodils?!" I asked her looking at the collections of flowers sitting not far from us. The greenhouse was large, about the side of a high school stadium. It held many flowers that I did not know if I could name them all.

"Yes, there are yellow and white daffodils! They are my favourites!" she said as she tended to another flower, I watched her with utmost patience trying to understand her ways.

"Since I got here, this has been my only safe space, I just... When I come here, I feel so alive, so happy."

"That is so beautiful Rosalia," I said, and we stood there staring at each other, her blue eyes were the strongest part of her body. She was afro-latina so I was not surprised. Being biracial came with many features that would be strange for the race you predominately look like.

I continued tending to the aloe veras, and we stayed in silence for hours, occasionally picking ng up conversation, she seemed very nice and I was happy to have her there, at least I did not have to open the day in the same house with Catalina.

As we were coming out of the greenhouse in the evening we bumped into Luca and Alessio who were running around and playing, I smiled softly rubbing my stomach. My happiness was immeasurable, I was going to have my baby soon and I would start having all of these experiences.

"Catalina doesn't want the kids talking to me, I have tried several times but they refused and ran off."

I said nothing to this result, they were Catalina's kids, after all, and we could not ask them to do something without her consent.

"I just... I have spent less than a month in the house and I am exhausted, there is just..." She stopped talking when we heard a loud siren and I frowned.

Were the men back from their mission?

"I am not sure if the men are back, maybe we should go and check inside," we walked inside to find Catalina in the living room with a bag and guard blocking her.

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