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Bianca stared at me, her mouth gape, eyes ran all over my body, this was the first time she was seeing me in months. The last time she saw me, I was being flaunted by Eduardo. Now, I was heart broken by the same man.

Silently, she pulled me into a tight hug, and I was thankful for it. Bianca knew me well, she understood me without having to speak a word, and I was the same with her.

As I fell into her arms, I bursted into hot fresh tears, I wondered what exactly I thought the outcome of sleeping with a man, who was in the mafia was going to be. I knew I could never be his wife, I have seen the way Marco Mancini and many other mafia men treat their wives, they treat them like children, they treated them like they were possessions. I wasn't like Catalina, I wasn't simple, I wasn't submissive and docile but I still wanted him, he never made me feel like I had to shrink myself, we had our good and bad times.

We fought and shouted at each, I felt like we were on equal footing no matter what but at the end I the day he was just another man.

I pulled away from Bianca, wiping my tears away, "oh honey, what happened to you?" she asked looking me over. I shook my head, "can I please come in?" I murmured nit ale to look at her face.

"Of course, common in!" she urshered me into her apartment. A lot had changed since the last time I was here, she had new curtains, another set of lego figurines, another set of pillow, a bigger TV. I smiled softly, while I wasted my life away being somebody's mistress, Bianca was doing something good for herself.

She sat me down on the couch, "I am coming let me get make you coffee." I nodded, I was going to need it. She entered the kitchen and started making the coffee, I sat there waiting patiently for her to come back out. She entered her small living room with a tray and sat across me, I took the coffee from the tray and slipped it. It was heaven, I moaned, noting that I had missed the taste of coffee so much.

In Eduardo's house we mostly drank tea, it was very fancy and I never looked back at coffee because the tea he made was divine. It was one more thing I would miss about him, making me tea in the night, I just... I wanted to go back to him. I still wanted him! How could I continue my life as if he doesn't exist, as if the last six months did not happen.

"What's wrong Aviva? Why are like this? Why are you back in New York?" she asked, looking at me worriedly.

"Eduardo," I started not able to look at her in the face, "he kicked me out? He said he would no longer protect me!"

Bianca's mouth opened, "what the hell?! Why would he do that? I thought the both of you were in love!"

"We see not in love!" I cut her short before she landed, she stared at me with narrowed eyes. I sighed, "I... I cannot tell you the details about what happened. It is... It involves..." I found it hard to tell her. I still wanted to keep Eduardo's secret, I hosted him but I didn't want my best friend knowing that the man I was involved with sold cocaine and drugs for a living.

"He is involved with guns?!" my mouth opened in shock as Bianca completed my words. "How did..."

"How did I know your boyfriend was in the mafia?" she asked the question intended to ask. "simple, I searched for you. I did not believe one bit that you were dead, the woman in that car was white, it was disrespectful to you to just accept that you died like that, there a grave right there that is named after you. The police did nothing, I mourned for months before you called. I was so relieved, then I decided to search when you said California.

I realized after a good amount of research and a lot of my savings that the man you were last seen was Eduardo Reyes, cocaine drug lord, and the head of a mafia group. Not just any magic group one kg the strongest that has ever existed. His father was a leader so was his great grandfather, his grandmother is one of the most powerful figures in his success and a key player in the mafia.

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