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We'll just go with f/n for y/f/t s first name- enjoy

It was a long day. Finally I can leave this shit hole of a school. But I'm not planning on going home. F/n gave me the keys to her apartment so I'll just wait for her there. I belief she still has class. Maybe I'll just gonna cuddle myself up on the couch.

I was skipping through the programs until I heard someone shutting the front door. "I'm home!" F/n jelled through the hallway. "I can hear that. Apologize to the poor door." I laughed with my eyes still glued to the TV. "Sorry it as a hell of a day. They just wont shut the fuck up!" She complained. I heard her throwing her huge 'teacher-bag' in the corner and lets herself down next to me. "You chose that job." I teased her. "Oh com on I wasn't in university that long so no one is actually listening to me." I now turned my head to face her. "I always listen to you." I said with crossed arms. "No, you imagine me naked." We both started giggling. She wasn't wrong actually. "They threw a sharpen- Are you even listening?" "I imagine you naked." "Y/N!" We laughed. "Before this goes in the wrong direction lets jut make some coffee get chocolate and watch some movies." I suggested. "Only if I get cuddles!" She set on puppy eyes. I just smiled and went off to the kitchen turning on some music. Soon I felt a loving pair of hands around my waist dancing with me. I turned around to face her and placed a kiss on her nose. We danced in the kitchen spinning each other around just feeling careless as long as the music lasts. 

The sun started to set as we sat on her balcony watching her disappear behind some mountains in the distance. "I have dreamed about this for so long.." F/n whispered in my ear. "Soon.. soon I'm not your student anymore and we can finally just be with each other." I answered with closed eyes enjoying the moment. "And I will wait for you. As long as I have to."

It's short but I had to capture that daydream of mine

ONE SHOTS Fem TeacherX Fem StudentWhere stories live. Discover now