Chapter 05; Check ups and Gifts

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Lily's POV
I yawned as I woke up to find myself in a crib in a brand new nursery.

I wriggled around only to become frustrated when I realized that I couldn't move much in my baby form I started whimpering, which caused Rennie to stir in her crib before waking up "Lily? What's wrong?"

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I wriggled around only to become frustrated when I realized that I couldn't move much in my baby form I started whimpering, which caused Rennie to stir in her crib before waking up "Lily? What's wrong?"

I blinked, startled, but asked "Lily?" "Yeah, that's what Auntie Rose called you, I figured that you didn't wanna be called Elizabella like what my daddy called you" I was surprised that my mom knew my name from my past, but I didn't mind it.

"I just feel uncomfortable....I'm not sure why— oh..." I said aloud making Rennie ask "What's wrong?" "I'm wearing a diaper...." I answered only to be met with more confusion "Yeah? I am too, do you not want a diaper?" She asked.

I remained silent and waited for her to catch on.







"Oh! I get it now!" Rennie said, slightly embarrassed that it took her a minute to realize what was wrong "Sorry..." "Don't worry about it" I told her "If it's any consolation, I think that I went that I went too....what should we do?" She asked "Well, normal babies can't talk so they cry when they need something" I answered her "That must get old..." she commented making me chuckle.

I then started thinking sad thoughts in an attempt to get the water works going. After a few minutes, I thought of homeless three legged puppies and now Rennie and I were sobbing which immediately made momma and Esme enter.

Momma picked me up and Esme got Rennie and they immediately got us ready for the day by changing our bums and bathing us before putting on cute clothes.

Momma picked me up and Esme got Rennie and they immediately got us ready for the day by changing our bums and bathing us before putting on cute clothes

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(Pink for Lily and blue for Rennie)

We were then taken downstairs and I realized how quiet it was...then I realized that daddy and uncle Jazz were gone. It seemed as if it was only the four of us home....did everyone else go hunting?

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