Chapter 06; First words create chaos

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Lily's POV
We migrated back to the living room and momma sat down with nana to play with us while Edward, Jacob, and Papa Carlisle spoke in hushed voices.

I could tell momma was listening in as she tilted her head in their direction and would occasionally hold me closer to her in response to what they said.

The air was tense at the news of our growth and vampire percentages, but the tension was worst between momma and Edward as both their inner vampire's were staking claim over me as their young.

I had to figure out a way to convey that I was momma's offspring, not Edward's...but how?

~~~next day timeskip~~~
My answer came the next day.

It should've been obvious that while our physically we were babies mentally we were adults and understood things like the other members of our family did.

Rennie looked 3 months now while I looked only two days old. However, we were learning at an inhuman rate and that caused some aspects of our development to be accelerated like what happened when Edward came to check on us after we ate breakfast...

"Daddy!" Rennie cheered and reached out for him from Alice's lap.

Everyone looked at her in shock including me, because while I knew that she was going to be a daddy's girl from the minute he read her mind in the tomb and forgave him for his past behavior and I did anticipate that her first word would be 'daddy' and not 'mommy' I honestly wasn't expecting it to be so soon.

Rennie looked upset and I called out "They're just in shock Rennie, say it again and they should snap out of it" "Okay!" Rennie then mustered up all her baby strength and concentration to say "Daddy!" Once more.

I was right and they did snap out of it and Edward's face lit up before he flirted over to Alice's side and scooped Rennie up into his arms he twirled her a little in the air, making Rennie release little giggles and cheer "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Before he brought her back down to his chest and peppered butterfly kisses all over her face and said "That's right! I'm daddy! I'm so proud of you Renesmee!"

Rennie giggled and beamed up at him as he praised her, the scene made my heart warm as Edward slowly won me over and if I'm being truthful.... I'd love to see his face when I dubbed him Uncle Eddie Teddy Bear just to mess with him as I know he hates nicknames including Eddie 😈

Edward suddenly looks over at me expectantly and I give him a blank look before going back over to play fists with my dad making Edward deflate in disappointment.

Papa speaks up and says "I wonder if along with her slow physical growth, she has a slow mental growth" I look at him in absolute offense "Did he just-?! Did he just call you stupid?!" Rennie asked also offended on my behalf "He absolutely did!" Rennie then glared at him in anger for doubting my mental intelligence when I was in fact smarter than her. Papa shifted uncomfortably and asked "Why is Renesmee looking at me like that?" As if he doesn't know!

Uncle Jasper suddenly shifted and tried to hold back his laughter as he cleared his throat "Lily's mental growth is just fine, but she took offense when you implied that it was slow, and now Renesmee is angry at you for insulting her" I glanced at him, and he smiled kindly to me.

I remembered that in the books momma and Uncle Jasper often pretended to be twins because of their appearance and also seemed close in the books whereas in the movies everyone acted like strangers. I wonder if Meyers was so focused on Edward and Bella's barf romance that she neglected to inform the readers of the Cullens tight knit bonds, I certainly liked Jasper above Alice and Edward, he was definitely the favorite of my parents siblings.

I gave him a pout which made a chuckle escape from his lips and he walked over (keeping his movements calm and slow as to not upset mommy and daddy) and carefully knelt next to me and stroked my cheek with his finger making latch onto it "You should apologize to Lily, you hurt her feelings" he stated.

Papa Carlisle cleared his throat and said "I'm really sorry Elizabella, I wasn't trying to offend you" I looked up at him thoughtfully before giving him a gummy smile that he returned.

I turned to my mommy and focused with all my might as I tried to form words "What she doing?" Daddy asked and Jasper says "She feels the need to prove herself, so she's trying to talk as well" "You can do it Lily!" Rennie cheered and clapped her hands encouragingly. I took a deep breathe and looked into my momma's eyes before reaching out for her and blurting out "Mama!"

The entire room went silent as my declaration was made, everyone seemed to freeze for a moment before Edward placed Rennie back into Alice's hands and zipped over to momma's side and snatched me from her!

He quickly flitted to the other side of the room and held me to him "Elizabella" he said sternly "I know that it's confusing right now, but Rosalie is not your mother, your mother is right in there sleeping" he then points to a spare bedroom off to the side. I frown as there was no confusion and turned back to momma and instantly said "Mama!" and made grabby hands for her.

Edward's grip tightened on me and he gave momma an accusatory look "Was this your plan?! Did you plan for Bella to die and for you to be our children's new mother?!" He snapped making me whimper and squirm in his hold.

My actions upset mom who carefully stepped forward with her hands out "Edward, you know that's not true, I would never do that under any circumstance. Lily is...... she's confused, and you're upsetting her, just give her to me and we'll— we'll figure this out. Just give her to me, Edward, please?" She pleaded with him.

There were tears in her eyes and she seemed to be at war and her thoughts weren't any better...

"Must protect young! Lily's not ours, she's Bella's and Edward's daughter! No! Mine!"

Seeing that I would be getting no help from mom as she was at war with her inner beast over the logistics and emotional bonds surrounding our unique and bizarre situation I was forced to go to someone else....

As Edward's grip on me remained tight and was slowly robbing me of needed oxygen, I reached out and yelled "Dada!" At Emmett making his eyes go wide and his lips part. Papa gasp and think "I knew it.... The soul bonds" Edward looks at him and his grip goes slack.

Snapping out of his shock daddy's eyes go black and he develops a determined look on his face and flits over to grab Edward by his neck before slamming him against the wall. He yanked me from his grip and held me protectively to his chest, a growling purring sound as he simultaneously tries to threaten Edward and comfort me.

The family rushes over and only receives a vicious snarl. Momma gets in his line of sight with a heartbroken expression "Emmett, baby, give Lily to me, please?" He looks at her and upon confirming that it's his mate he hands me over. Momma takes me and everyone tries to get daddy to calm down.

Mommy reaches out and places her hand on his shoulder and coaxes him to let Edward go. Daddy drops Edward and wraps his arms around momma and starts scenting us both while he rumbles off that protective growling purr.

"ily! Lily! Are you okay?! Why won't you answer me?!" Rennie yells out only alerting me to the fact that she's been telepathically talking to me while struggling in Alice's arms "I'm— I'm okay, Rennie.." "You don't sound okay!" She says accusingly as I hiccuped and said "That was....I was so scared!"

I burst into tears and clung onto my parents for comfort as my wails echoed throughout the house.

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