Chapter 11; Bella's jealousy

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3rd POV
After a night of hunting, in which Bella has fed on two mountain lions and couple of deer, Bella and Edward walk back to the house.

"Well, I'm amazed. You ran away from human blood mid-hunt. Even mature vampires have problems with that" Edward chuckles Bella goes to respond but then sees Jacob walking out of the house and coming towards them and delightedly says "You're still here!"

Bella waits for Jacob to start fawning over her like always, but is disappointed when he distractedly says "So are you. I didn't expect you to seem so you" Bella awkwardly smiles in confusion and slight frustration as she wonders what's occupying Jake's thoughts when he should be focusing on her.

"Except for the creepy eyes" Jake says as he tries to subtly step forward, only for Bella to raise her hands to stop him "I would keep my distance for now" Bella says warningly only for Jake to argue "It's safer for the baby to see how you do with me first" making Bella frown and furrow her eyebrows in frustrated confusion.

"Since when do you care about Renesmee?" Bella demands annoyed making Jacob and Edward look at each other, knowing that Bella doesn't know that Jacob has imprinted on Renesmee nor that she has a VERY human twin sister that needs a lot of protection from the unpredictable newborn.

A quick glance into the 17 year old shape shifters mind tells him that Renesmee sent him out here to make sure that Bella was safe to be around Lily. It hurt Edward slightly that Renesmee didn't trust her mother to be a mature and levelheaded adult about the situation.......

But after remembering his own actions he decided that her overprotectiveness and paranoia was justified.

"All right. Take a whiff" Jake said quickly to change the subject and Bella steps closer with a seat of her hips in hopes of being seductive and leans in extremely close to Jake's neck takes a sniff.

Both men are used to Bella's odd and somewhat awkward behavior, but Jake couldn't help but feel uncomfortable since he's no longer attracted to her and not revealing in her closeness.

"Well, I can see what everyone's been talking about" Bella states with a smile "Jake, you really do stink" both Edward and Jake laugh and Jake says "You guys really look great together" which makes Bella frown as she becomes upset by Jake's lack of affection and attraction towards her.

'Was this because she was a vampire now? Was he no longer attracted to her because of her change in species? That wasn't fair! She was supposed to be the hot newborn with a love triangle that everyone wanted!'

"Want to come meet our daughter?" Edward asks drawing her from her thoughts. Bella frowns as she sees Jake running ahead into the house as Bella and Edward make their way into the house.

As Bella and Edward walk into the house, the whole family are there, and they turn to face Bella as she enters making her perk up in excitement at all the attention she gets.

"Welcome to the family" Esme greets her with a warm smile "You look amazing, Bella" Alice calls from over her shoulder in the back where she faces the window in between Jake and Jasper "Someone's been waiting to meet you" Carlisle says as he steps aside revealing Alice's back "Alice" Edward calls out to her.

Alice turns to face them, and Bella finally sees Renesmee, who looks a year old, Alice hands over Renesmee to Bella and Renesmee tenderly touches Bella's face, Bella starts seeing image of herself when she gave birth to Renesmee.

"What was that?" Bella breathes in surprise and awe "She showed you the first memory she has of you" Edward says as he reads Ren's mind "Showed me? How?" Bella asks growing excited about the potential her daughter had "How do I hear thoughts? How does Alice see the future? She's gifted" Edward answers happily with a hint of pride.

'Of course HER daughter had a gift! Bella was the sexy, badass miracle that just kept on giving' Bella internally gloated.

Bella then notices how much older Renesmee looks for a new born baby and asks "I've only been out for two days?" and Carlisle jumps in and says "Her mental and physical growth rates are unprecedented."

As Bella is holding onto Renesmee, Jacob starts to act antsy and protective before ultimately reaching over to take her away while saying "All right. That's enough experimenting for one day" "Jacob. She's doing great" Edward says as he blocks him and gives him a warning look "Yeah. Let's not push it though" Jake's says as the two mentally argue with each other.

"What's your problem?" Bella demands feeling jealous about the fact that her husband and 'best friend' were arguing over her daughter like they used to argue over her.

'It wasn't fair! Her daughter was a stupid useless baby! She was a WOMAN! Why weren't they fighting over her like they used to?'

"Oh. Do tell her, Jacob" Rosalie calls from the couch in amusement and Emmett adds "This should be good" Bella glances at her and sees that she's holding something, but can't figure out what.

"Hold on a second" Edward interrupts and takes Renesmee from her "Bella. Look, it's a wolf thing" Jake starts but gets interrupted by Bella who asks "What's a wolf thing?" "Um... You know we have no control over it. We can't choose who it happens with. And it doesn't mean what you think, Bella. I promise" Jake says pleadingly.

The facts click together and Bella becomes enraged and glances at her daughter in disgust and distain "Take Renesmee out of the room" she orders before turning towards Jake ones more. Edward hands Renesmee over to Rose who exits the room and goes up behind her and touches her shoulder in hopes of calming her "Edward, don't touch me right now. I don't want to hurt you" Bella snaps, Edward takes his hand away, and Bella grabs hold of him and throws him out of the house.

Meanwhile, Lily looks at Bella in shock because....













She heard all of Bella's thoughts.

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