Chapter 09; Bella Awakens

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Lily's POV
I'm seated on Jaspers lap as he reads Narnia out loud to me and Ren. Jacob is seated next to us with a six month old looking Ren on his lap.

Yesterday she looked like three months and I think she'll start to look a year old by tomorrow.

Edward sat nearby, but was ignored by Ren who was trying to follow my lead in holding grudges. I contemplated before asking "How long are you planning on ignoring him?" "Until you forgive him" she answers as if it's obvious making look at her with a deadpan look "Yeah, good luck with that" she huffed in response and Edward spoke up.

"I think that the girls can have telepathic conversations" he said making both Jasper and Jake pause to look up at him in confusion "I've noticed it for while now. Renesmee will start randomly talking mentally and act like someone responds to her and both Renesmee and Lilibeth make facial expressions and gestures as if they're having a conversation" Jasper and Jake looked at us expectantly.

I looked at Renesmee in panic while she looked at me in confusion "What's wrong?" "They know! Now we won't be able to keep any secrets!" Ren rolled her eyes playfully "Oh no, whatever will we do?" She sarcastically asked making me say "Love to see you taking this so seriously" "I think you may be right, Edward" Jasper murmured.

"What is Edward right about?" Mommy asked as she walked in making me extend my arms out and cheer out "Mama!" Her face lights up and she strides gracefully towards me and scoops me up earning a pout from Jasper. I beam at him and say "Bye-Bye Jaspth!" Making him smile again which made me heart squeeze with affection.... I definitely had a favorite.

"She learned a new word?" Daddy asked as he approached me and stroke my cheek "It seems as if Lily's mental rate is faster while Renesmee's physical is faster" Papa said as he appeared in the doorway making look at him and he quickly adds "Not that Renesmee's is slow! She just has a more.... Moderate pace?" I glanced at Ren to see her disbelief at him "..... I think it's best that I just stop commenting on their mental prowess" Papa said making everyone say "Yes!"

Alice suddenly enters looking like a kicked puppy "Uhm, Bella is waking up just before sunset....Edward should probably take her out hunting before she meets Renesmee.... And Lilibeth" she says before leaving making me look at her in confusion.

Mommy and Jasper looked at each other as if they were having their own telepathic conversation before Jasper nodded as if he understood and wasn't angry before getting up and saying "I'll go talk to her" and leaving.

Edward was staring at mommy and he suddenly spoke up "Alice was wrong about everything, except for Bella. You know what she's like, narrow minded. She sees things black and white. She may have been able to accept the supernatural, but a baby? She might not be able to comprehend the surrogacy. Especially in her newborn state."

"So what do you wanna tell her?" Daddy asks "We tell her the truth" Mommy says making everyone look at her "Not the whole truth, but the truth. Lily is my daughter" everyone's thoughts ran rampant after that, but there was only one question that everyone had;

'What are we going to do about Bella?'

I was drinking from my bottle as nana fed Ren and talked to mommy.

They both both froze suddenly and looked up, as the rest of the family pooled back into the living room. I heard a loud thud before a flash of blue appeared from jumping out the window before zipping into the woods soon followed by another blur.

Daddy came over to us and cupped the back of my head in mommy's arm and gently grabbed one of her shoulders making mommy look up at him as concern bled through.

Daddy came over to us and cupped the back of my head in mommy's arm and gently grabbed one of her shoulders making mommy look up at him as concern bled through

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Suddenly a wave of exhaustion filled me and I looked over to find the guilty party; Jasper. My eyes fluttered as I fought before mommy started humming a soothing tune and swaying us til I fell asleep.

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