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"Put your ears down close to your soul and listen hard" — Anne Sexton



I rose from the bed rubbing my groggy eyes as I ran my hand through my disheveled hair and picked up my shirt from the floor. I took a look at the naked woman laying on my bed and sighed, She was meant to had left before I woke up but obviously overslept. Her presence irked me, I needed her gone.

I tapped her awake and immediately she sighted the scowl on my face, she hurriedly rose up, picked her dress and ran to the bathroom. Rolling my eyes, I left the room and headed downstairs for some coffee.

I lived alone in this gigantic building, it was more of a mansion to say the least. This was my uncle's house but he was currently out of the country and since his place wasn't far from my college, he decided to let me have the whole house to myself.

As soon as I was done preparing the coffee, sleeping beauty decided to grace my living room with her presence, she barely spared me a glance as she timidly sped walk out of the house. I shook my head with an amused smirk, i was just about to offer her a cup of coffee.

The house was extremely quiet and the tranquility was beginning to gnaw on my insides. Yes sure it was fancy but it was also ridiculously large for one person, trust my family to always go big or go home. I came from an extremely wealthy family, my dad, uncles and grandfather were all big time business moguls, my whole life had already been planned out from the moment I was born and being the only grandson didn't make it any better.

My grandfather never passed on his businesses to his sons, he made them work and build their own empires. He was always saddened by the fact that all four of his children had only female children until I was born, he was the one person, aside my parents, I knew was overjoyed with my existence. He believed everything he owned should go to his grandson.

So In short i had it all, money, power, women, friends but for some strange reason, it wasn't enough to make me happy, something was missing but I couldn't place my finger on it. I felt empty and that suddenly transported me back to a conversation I had with a certain black haired beauty.

I was lying when I told her and myself that I had it all because truth be told, I didn't. I was lacking something incredibly vital, if only I could figure out what it was. Speaking of the black haired beauty, our deal officially began tomorrow, today was my last day as a free man for the next three months. We agreed that I could have the whole weekend to mentally prepare myself and what better way to do that than relish every moment.

For some reason, I planned to go fully in with this agreement. I wasn't going to indulge in any of my usual vices for the next three months. I had no idea why I decided this, after all, I could be living my normal life behind her back and she wouldn't suspect a thing, but my conscience was against lying this one time and I constantly wondered why. Maybe it was due to the fact that my whole being knew I would be getting something worth my sacrifice at the end of it all, Alaine would finally be mine.

I wandered around the house deep in thoughts with my cup of coffee in hand.

What to do today?

I headed upstairs and took my bath. As soon as I was done dressing up, I grabbed my keys and left the house. I had no specific destination, but I was trusting my feet would lead me somewhere.

It was very cold out, even with the hoodie I had on, I could still feel it. The grounds and trees were wet, an aftermath of the rain that fell all through today. I went along my way with careful strides, trying not to slip. I decided to head over to Shred's place, out of all my friends he was my favourite, I wouldn't exactly call him my best friend but I had known him the longest and I was emotionally attached to him the most. He has been very distant lately, I needed to find out why.

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