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"Love makes people do crazy things. And not feeling love can bring people to the edge of madness"— Jacqueline Simon Gunn



Friday came by quickly, too quickly.

Not that it was a bad thing but I was still in shock. Three months was over so quickly, I really didn't want it to end but on the other hand, I was glad it did. Our bond could only grow stronger from here on

I'd be lying if I said these weren't the best months of my life. Alaine had managed to bring so much Joy and peace into my life, calling her a blessing would be an understatement.

She made me feel a different kind of way, I couldn't explain nor do I understand it. I badly wanted a title on it and it frustrated me that I couldn't figure it out but I was sure, it would all fall into place at due time.

"So, when are you going to tell her?" Shred asked from the couch next to me

His face was buried in a book, whiling away time as we waited for the others. I invited everyone over for dinner tonight, including Alaine and Sheila. It was initially meant to be just Alaine and I but ever since she decided we shouldn't spend too much time alone, she has been sticking to it and I didn't want to go against her.

I planned on revealing my decision to everyone tonight. They all knew about our agreement, after all.

"Tell her what?" I looked up from my phone

"Well, this whole thing started with a bet that you made with Jason and Matt. I don't think she'll be happy to find that out" He replied, his gaze still fixated on his book

I paused. It had completely skipped my mind that I made a bet over Alaine. That used to be the most important thing to me at one point but she managed to turn that around.

"It might have started off as that but it's different now, it bloomed into something else" I reassured

"Doesn't mean she'll see it that way" He countered and I frowned

"What are you saying?"

He closed his book with a sigh and sat up straight.

"I'm saying you need to tell her and clarify everything before she finds out some other way. I mean, how would you feel if you found out you were nothing but a bet to her?" He explained

"But she's much more than a bet to me now. Come to think of it, she always was" I argued

"Exactly. Tell her that before she, by some means, finds out and begins thinking otherwise"

He was right. It could be a huge problem if she finds out from someone else but me.

"You're right. I'll..." I was abruptly interrupted by the door bell.

I hurriedly rose to my feet in excitement and headed to the door. I pulled it open and an immediate smile grazed my lips as Alaine beamed up at me.

"Hi" I breathlessly whispered

"Hi" She replied with a light blush on her cheeks

Her blue eyes shone in delight and I couldn't help but be captivated by them. Everything about her called to me and like a moth drawn to a flame, I couldn't resist it.

"I'm here too, Incase anyone was wondering" Sheila sarcastically announced

"Hey Sheila" I chuckled

She narrowed her eyes and pushed past me into the house.

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