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"The shattering of heart when being broken is the loudest quiet ever"—
Carroll Bryant



My phone buzzed against my chest, jolting me awake. I groaned and glanced at the messages popping in. With a slight hiss, I threw it against the bed and rolled onto my stomach.

My eyes were now wide open and going back to sleep proved to be a difficulty, I wasn't surprised though. If sleep was a drug then I had definitely been abusing it.

In an attempt to escape reality, it was my only resort. It normally would have been alcohol but each time I beheld a bottle, I could never bring myself to take even a sip of it. There was always some sort of conviction within me, I knew it had to do with her.

It had officially been a week since I last saw nor heard from her. I could lie and say I never went after her because she told me not to, but then I'd only be in denial. I didn't want to see her, I didn't want to see the hurt in her eyes, I didn't want to see the tears i had caused and i most especially couldn't bare to see the hatred I caused to bloom in her.

My life had always been a mess but I kept living it, now I didn't see the point. Without her, the world was blank and dull, I never realized how huge of an impact she made or how dependent I was on her. The saying was true, you never know the value of what you have until you lose it.

I rose to my feet in nothing but my underwear. I couldn't recall the last time I wore clothes nor took a bath, it all seemed frivolous now. I was contented laying in bed all day, replaying the event of that day in my head and wishing it turned out differently.

I was never one for tears, the only time I ever cried was the day I lost my mom. Now, I've been doing it a whole lot. No day passed that I didn't shed a tear, I was weak, she made me weak, broke down my defenses and i didn't mind. She was so in touch with the inner workings of emotions and always knew the right words to say, that I couldn't help but lower my guards for her.

Losing her broke a part of me and I was actively trying hard to ignore it.

My phone buzzed again and the screen lit up. I glanced at it in hope, but it was dashed the moment I saw the name Matthias boldly displayed on it. I walked out of the room leaving the phone behind.

I hadn't spoken to my friends after that day. They called, texted, even showed up at my house to check up on me, but I continually ignored them. I wasn't mad or anything, I just needed time alone for as long as possible.

We were currently done with the semester and were given a month's holiday, so I fortunately didn't have to leave the house for anything. Shred had moved back home to spend time with his family and Matt went along with Jason to his grandma's place. I was glad they gave me space, but I couldn't deny the fact that I felt alone.

About two days ago, I folded and bombarded Alaine's phone with multiple messages. Hearing her voice could practically break me more than I already was, so I decided against calling her.

She read the messages and responded by blocking me. I chuckled bitterly at the memory, if I needed any more proof on how much I had hurt her, it was served to me on a golden platter.

I had cried to the point where I wasn't sure I could produce anymore tears. I was numb now, nothing seemed to move me anymore, not even the thought of her.

I sighed and shook my head.

The house was slowly beginning to suffocate me, so I decided to go out for some fresh air for the first time in a long while. I got into the bathroom and hurriedly took my bath. I was out as quickly as I entered and espied my reflection in the mirror, the moment I walked into my bedroom.

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