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"Memories do not always soften with time, some grow edges like knifes" — Barbara Kingsolver



"So he didn't come back down till you left?" Sheila asked and I nodded

"Yeah, I think he fell asleep. It was my fault for prying"

"You didn't pry, you only asked a question anyone in your place would have. Plus if he didn't want you to ask questions, he shouldn't have brought you to his room knowing how observant you ate" She countered and I sighed.

I hadn't spoken to John since yesterday when we all had lunch together. We were supposed to meet up for quiet time this morning but he didn't show up, I walked to the cliff in hopes that he'd be there but alas, my hopes were dashed.

I know what you're thinking, why didn't you just call him?.

Well ladies and gentlemen, today was the day I realized I didn't have John's phone number. So I had no choice but to have the session alone and come to campus to look for him.

I had been here for more than an hour filling Sheila up on everything that had happened. She assisted me in searching for him or any of the guys but our efforts were futile, we couldn't find them.

"I just want to be sure he's alright" I voiced

"He would have gotten over it by now" She comforted.

Just as I was about replying, I sighted Shred, Matt and Jason running in my direction. I rose up from the bench I was seated on as they came to a halt in front of me.

"Have you seen John?" They chorused and I frowned

"Uh no, I thought he'd be with you guys" I replied and the look of worry on their faces intensified

"Is everything okay?" I asked

"No, today's the fourth death anniversary" Shred said

"How about I go check his favourite bar?" Jason asked, distracting him.

"Yeah, yeah and I'll go ask around campus" Matt added

They didn't wait for Shred's reply as they ran in opposite directions. At this point, I was getting worried and so was Sheila

"Who's death anniversary?" I asked

"John's mom. That's why he was so sensitive, he was trying his best not to think about today, how could I be so stupid to forget?" He rambled to himself and I frowned in confusion

"Oh then why are you all so worried?"

"Because we can't find John"

"Okay so just call him" Sheila butted in and I nodded in support

"You don't get it. Ever since I've known John, every year on this day he always does something drastic" He explained

"Drastic?" I voiced

"Three years ago he got into a huge fight and nearly lost his life, two years ago he got into an accident because he was drinking and driving, last year he poisoned himself in an attempt to end his life but by sheer luck he was always rescued. He does these things because today wasn't only the day his mom died, It was the day his whole life fell apart" He explained and I gasped in shock

My heart began racing as I wondered where he could be.

"I can't go into details right now but we have to find John. His phone's switched off, we've looked everywhere for him, I don't know where he could be" He lamented

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