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Ch. 5: Bad News

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Char sits on Andy's secretarial desk when I arrive on my floor, giggling over whatever my assistant just said to her. Daniel's personal assistant, Tanya, stands next to her and looks indecisive between focusing on Andy's lunchtime story or on the snack inside the plastic box Char is holding. Andy would have seen me approaching if my girlfriend's torso wasn't in the way, and that's the reason I can silently listen to their conversation.

"I swear he almost peed his pants!" Andy says,his voice squeaking as if he's the one who's wetting his pants. "Imagine if he actually did that in Mr. Knight's office, and it was just because he was sent to shred papers."

"I know what Ashton would say." Char clears her throat and straightens her posture. "Is my office a public toilet to you?" she says in a lower tone, mimicking my voice, followed by another giggle from her ex-fellow personal assistants.

"Hmm," I clear my throat to announce my presence, and everyone jumps from their spots, except Char.

My cheeky girlfriend grins at me from ear to ear without showing any remorse for making fun of her man. "You're here!" she squeals, opening her arms. "We were just talking about you."

I raise an eyebrow. "I'm flattered."

Andy and Tanya still haven't moved a muscle, eyes wide while Char playfully bites her lower lip and saunters toward me. Once she's in front of me, she tiptoes and gives me a peck on the cheek. "Your lunch is waiting inside. Let's not waste any more time," she mumbles on my skin, her voice sounding incredibly seductive in my ears.

I catch her by the waist, press her front against my chest, and lean in to give her a proper kiss. I'm not holding back despite our spectators. My lips capture hers, and my tongue directly finds its way to connect with her. I smile triumphantly when I hear a suppressed groan coming from her throat, a sign that she's turned on. Slowly, I suck on her lower lip and pull it toward me before letting it go.

When I detach myself from her, she's not the only one who becomes breathless from my sudden attack, because Andy and Tanya are staring at us, jaws dropping, probably forgetting to breathe for seconds. They've been gossiping about me, and now I'm giving them a real show for their next gossip supply. Who says I'm not a good boss?

"Let's get inside." Still with my arm around her waist, I pull her to my office and give her bottom a gentle squeeze before I close the door behind us, leaving the duo with their mouths agape.

Instead of walking to my coffee table, where she's arranged the lunch boxes she brought for me, she turns around and looks at me with a curious glint in her brown eyes, her cheeks flushing. "Did you just squeeze my butt cheek in front of Andy and Tanya?"

I take a few steps toward her like a lion approaching its prey. "What's wrong with that? We're a couple."

"But it doesn't sound like you." She tilts her head, an accusing look in her eyes. "Who are you? What did you do to my boyfriend?" She puts her palms on my chest to stop me from coming too close, her eyes examining my face. She looks silly, but I'm enjoying it.

Someone knocks on my door before it's pushed open. "Should I come back?" Dickson's voice stops whatever Char intended to do to me. I grunt inwardly. Why now?

She moves her head to the side so that she can see Dickson. "No need. I'm just trying to figure out what's wrong with Ashton today."

"What's wrong with him?"

"He groped my butt in front of Andy and Tanya."

"Woah, dude!"

"That's nothing. I can do more than that if you want," I reply, challenging her. "And why is my brother here? Can we just send him away to another planet?"

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