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Ch. 9: Not a Family Dinner

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Harvey Remington is a successful businessman with a charming personality and a kind heart. People say his character was what brought him to his success, but I'd say it's just a terrible combination because people will likely use this kind of person. However, I have to admit that he's the glue that keeps his team intact, and it's probably the reason people are very loyal to him, in a way. Me included.

It's the ultimate reason I couldn't say no when he invited us to eat dinner at his favorite tapas restaurant after the tense board meeting. Apparently, it's also his small celebration for selling one of his holiday properties at the price he wished. It's something I will never understand. Is it even something to celebrate?

"About the investigation. Why does it take this long? It shouldn't be that hard to rule out some theories and find out the actual cause, should it?" Harvey asks after we place our first round of meals.

"Probably not, but the thing follows the procedure crap, and information takes longer to travel from one department to another. And we don't know how effective they are," I say, shaking my head. "I bet they're not."

"It should be out next week. If not, our legal team will give it a push," Zachary, Harvey's advisor, chips in.

"Good," Harvey says. "I still hope it's a pure accident from their side, and let the insurance cover the damage cost. No need to prolong the process. It just gives room for unnecessary rumor to grow."

Harvey must have thought about his ex-business partner. The speculation about Lim's involvement in the incident has been going around since people learned about Harvey's parting ways with Lim. That's also a possibility, but knowing Lim, I can't see him going any length just to harm us. He's just done with us, and ending our mutual contract hurt us enough because some clauses in the agreement were made based on Harvey's and Lim's mutual trust as friends — stupid, I know. So, it was a human error or a particular someone who wanted to fuck with us, or in this case, with me; someone who has easy asses to Salo Logistic's kitchen...

"I hope it won't cost us more than it already did," Zachary replies.

"Daniel and I will make plenty of adjustments for this," I say, and our heads turn to our Finance chief.

Daniel Tan, who has been busy with his phone, groans as he slips his gadget into his pocket. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Drama at home. My daughter is stubborn as a mule, and my wife is too anxious."

Harvey chuckles. "I know that story all too well. Been there, and I'm telling you I'm glad that all our kids have their own places to live now. Less drama at home."

"Lucy will move to her dormitory this summer, and I'm not sure how my wife handles that."

"She will cope. It's just a phase of parenting."

The new topic makes me think of Char, and I try to picture what she'll do when Chloe doesn't want to be under the same roof with her parents anymore. Char will probably become obsessed with Chloe's accounts to stalk her on social media and frantically text her to make sure she eats properly, has enough clean laundry, and sleeps enough. I smile at the thought, but my lips freeze when my eyes catch the familiar figures at the restaurant entrance. Char and fucking Maxwell.

Chloe's mom is still in the outfit she put on this morning, a white top and a set of brown satin blazer and pants, standing by the door and waiting to be seated. What makes me frown is how Chadrick rests his hand on the small of my girlfriend's back when the host escorts them to their designated seats. I release the breath I didn't know I was holding when their table isn't empty. Emily's business partner and his extremely tall assistant stand up from their seats to shake hands with Char and Chadrick.

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