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Once, there were four kingdoms that lived in great harmony. Each held immense power beyond comprehension, which led them to establish the Great Treaty. They knew that war would bring only ruin and unnecessary loss of life, so they divided their land, Boraland, into four equal parts. For centuries, these kingdoms had produced only male heirs, and it became a tradition for them to visit each other's kingdom annually for four months. This practice was meant to foster bonds that would maintain peace when it was their turn to succeed their fathers. This tradition brings us to the present-day kingdoms:

The Earth Kingdom was the domain of King Kim Ha-Ru and his sons, known as the Kim Brothers: Jin, Namjoon, and Taehyung. Jin, the eldest, was the heir to the throne, a position that bore no jealousy among the siblings due to their humble and respectful upbringing. Their bond was strong, marked by deep love and mutual protection. Their formidable powers enabled them to manipulate the earth, lifting boulders as large as elephants and twice as heavy as whales, hurling them nearly 100 feet. They could summon earthquakes and fissures in the ground. Although potentially destructive, their abilities also aided in agriculture. The Earth Kingdom, nestled within the Great Forest, thrived as the brothers used their powers to cultivate vegetation and fruit, rear livestock, and provide for the kingdom's prosperity. Their talents extended to architecture, assisting in stonework and construction for the kingdom's dwellings.

The subsequent realm was the Fire Kingdom, ruled by King Min Chan Yeol alongside his sons, Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok

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The subsequent realm was the Fire Kingdom, ruled by King Min Chan Yeol alongside his sons, Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok. Hoseok, affectionately known as Hobi by his father, joined the family after the king remarried following the death of Yoongi's mother. The queen's son from a previous relationship was warmly embraced by the king. Initially distant, Yoongi's frosty demeanor was thawed by Hobi's radiant positivity, supporting him in mourning his mother. Similar to the Kim brothers, Hobi harbors no resentment towards Yoongi. Their elemental abilities were on par, with Yoongi having a slight edge, both adept at creating, controlling, and manipulating fire. They also had mastery over lava, though it was seldom utilized in their craft. Their dominion was situated in the western deserts, abundant in sand-based resources for construction materials like concrete and roofing. Renowned for exquisite glassware, such as cups and pitchers, they also crafted stunning decorative art pieces. Additionally, their skill extended to forging metal weaponry and armor. Anything that could be forged in flame was within their artisanship.

King Jeon Haneul and his sole heir, Jeon Jungkook, governed the Electric Kingdom

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King Jeon Haneul and his sole heir, Jeon Jungkook, governed the Electric Kingdom. The king took great pride in his son, who possessed extraordinary abilities. Although the youngest among the kingdoms, Jungkook was the swiftest and most skilled, yet he remained as humble as his counterparts. Their power was formidable and challenging to wield, which made the king's pride in his son even greater. Jungkook had the ability to manipulate lightning at will and conjure it even in the absence of a storm. Situated in the northern mountains, the kingdom was believed closer to the heavens, per ancestral lore. Their critical duty was to supply electricity to the entire realm (since electricity exists in this world). As an industrial hub teeming with blacksmiths and craftsmen, their primary function was to act as a power generator, and any failure on their part would halt all operations, leading to significant delays.

 As an industrial hub teeming with blacksmiths and craftsmen, their primary function was to act as a power generator, and any failure on their part would halt all operations, leading to significant delays

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Finally, we arrive at the Water Kingdom, ruled by King Park Hae and his son, Park Jimin. Their powers matched the other rulers, enabling them to shift oceans, forge massive waves, and create whirlpools at will. They could also shape water into whips or ensnare someone within a water bubble. Situated in the south by the shore, their kingdom thrived on the ocean's bounty and was historically responsible for developing an aqueduct system that supplied clean water to all kingdoms. Their ships were primarily used for fishing, boasting the largest fleet, and providing rare delicacies unavailable in other regions. Additionally, their ports facilitated trade with distant lands across the sea and served as the primary hub for air travel, housing the only airport with access to and from the land. While each kingdom possessed a private airfield for the visitation ritual, they preferred car travel for regular meetings every four months, eliminating the need for visits during the remaining eight months.

 While each kingdom possessed a private airfield for the visitation ritual, they preferred car travel for regular meetings every four months, eliminating the need for visits during the remaining eight months

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The Water Kingdom has long been a subject of fascination, and it was there that the first princess was born. All the princes were notably handsome, yet Prince Jimin was deemed more beautiful than handsome, with rumors suggesting the princess shared her brother's striking features. However, the murmurs centered not on her beauty, but on her rumored powers: born of snow with control over ice. The king and queen concealed the princess, and outsiders never saw her. She abstained from annual visits, and she was whisked away to seclusion during hosting events at the Water Kingdom. This pattern held until the year the kingdom was to host again, coinciding with the princess's 21st birthday. It was declared that she would debut at a lavish celebration, as was tradition at 21. The reason for this change remained a mystery, but the anticipation was palpable among all who were royally invited, particularly the six princes.

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