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Hia lingered at the grand ballroom entrance, biting her lip in anticipation. Drawing in a deep breath, she adjusted her dress. A quick look in the mirror confirmed her long blonde hair perfectly framed her features, complemented by just enough makeup to enhance her natural radiance.

"You've got this, just like we practiced," she reassured herself.

"It will be alright, Your Highness. Remember, if you feel overwhelmed, signal any of us, and we'll escort you out," Hana said, bowing before taking her position behind her.

"Thank you, Hana," Hia responded with a smile.

"It's time, Your Highness," the male door attendant announced, opening the doors.

Taking a deep breath, she moved forward with a steady stride. The first thing that hit her was the blend of music and the lively buzz of conversation. Nearing the door, her eyes were drawn to the dazzling chandelier. As she reached the top of the stairs and stepped into the room, the music suddenly stopped, and the chatter quieted.

"Introducing Her Royal Highness Princess Park Hia," her father proclaimed as she went down the right staircase amidst applause and soft gasps from the guests in their elegant attire. The live band resumed playing while the staff circulated with trays of food and beverages. She approached her father and took his hand, receiving his assistance as she descended the stairs.

"Oh, my dear girl, you've rendered everyone speechless," he said, beaming with pride. As she glanced around, it became apparent that his words held truth. Onlookers gazed at her in wonder, and the scrutiny made her increasingly aware of herself.

"I will introduce you to the Kings, after which your brother will do the same with the Princes? " he asked.

"Of course, Papa," she replied, trailing behind him to where a pair of men engaged in jovial conversation. The kings stood in a space where only queens and their children could venture without a formal summons.

"Gentlemen, allow me to present my cherished daughter, Hia," her father said with a smile.

"Princess Hia, greetings. I am King Min Chan Yeol of the Fire Kingdom. You are as stunning as your father described," King Min remarked, offering a bow.

"I am King Kim Ha-Ru from the Earth Kingdom. The anticipation for this day has been great. It feels as though our families are coming together in the most wonderful way," King Ha-Ru expressed warmly.

"King Jeon Haneul isn't here. He's been attending to urgent matters abroad, but he'll be here soon," her father informed.

She nodded before curtseying to the men and saying the introduction she had practiced over and over in her room.

"Greetings, Your Majesties. I'm grateful for the chance to celebrate my birthday with you and introduce myself to such distinguished guests. Although it's unfortunate that King Haneul couldn't be here, I'm eager to meet him in the future," she said gently, offering a warm smile.

She heard the men's coos and saw them melt instantly at her words.

Nailed it, she thought.

"Guard, please summon my son," instructed her father to one of the nearby guards. 

"Now, your father says you've been doing well with training. How would you say it's going?" King Chan Yeol asked.

"Father enlisted top-notch teachers for me. I'm still learning, but now I can manage simple tasks without any mishaps, which I think is quite an achievement," she expressed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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