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Kim Brothers POV

"I'm so ready to get outta this damn car," Taehyung pouted, giving the seat a solid kick.

"After traveling here for so long, you'd think we'd be used to the three-hour car ride from the airport," Jin sighed, gazing out the window.

"That's why I bring my books; they keep me busy. Sometimes, I even forget I'm in a car," Namjoon said with his signature dimpled smile.

"I've almost finished all my phone games on my phone," Jin sighed.

"Father wouldn't let me bring my Nintendo Switch because he says it's too distracting," Tae said, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

"Father's right. If you bring it, you'll use it the whole time. Jimin has a backup switch you can use," he said, looking up from his book.

"Speaking of the Angelic One, can you believe we finally get to meet her?" Tae said, suddenly sitting up. "I was astonished when Father made the announcement."

"Father has never let anything slip about the elusive Princess over the years. Thus, my curiosity is piqued as well." Jin said as he pondered about the second Park sibling.

Jimin consistently avoided discussing her, even with Tae, and their best friends. His protectiveness was almost excessive as if our mere presence near her would somehow taint her," Namjoon said with a laugh.

"Do you think the rumors about her abilities are true? And why reveal them now?" Tae inquired.

"It seems likely. If not, there's no reason for such secrecy. I have a theory about that, but I'd rather watch how things unfold first," Jin replied, gazing out the window.

"Come on, tell us your thoughts. It's got to be more engaging than Joon's books," Tae grumbled.

"Hey, just because you don't value literature doesn't give you the right to disrespect my books," Namjoon chided.

"Ooh, look at Joonie, flaunting fancy words from his ridiculous books," Tae mocked playfully.

Namjoon threw his book at Tae, hitting him on the forehead. Tae jumped from his seat, trying to catch Namjoon in a headlock.

"Stop, stop!" Jin shouted, dodging to the side as Tae exclaimed, "How dare you try to ruin my face! This had better not leave a mark, Kim Namjoon!"

Namjoon chuckled, holding Tae's arms, "I was merely attempting to enhance your vocabulary with some sophisticated words!"

Jin hissed at the two men in a furious whisper, "Please control yourselves. Any foolishness in the princess's presence, and I'll be enraged enough to end you both." Heeding his warning, the men retreated, and Tae settled back into his chair, glancing at his brothers.

Namjoon picked up his book from the floor and asked his brother, "Alright, now that we've got that out of the way, care to share your theory with us?"

Jin sighed deeply before elaborating on his reasoning behind introducing the princess. His younger siblings, taken aback, remained quiet until Tae finally broke the silence by asking, "Do you believe that?"

Namjoon contemplated, "Wouldn't they have told us first?"

Jin reiterated, "As previously stated, it is simply a theory."

Yoongi Hobi and Jungkook POV

"I'm glad I could join you this time. Being alone or just with my dad gets dull," Jungkook remarked, snacking on a bag of pretzels.

"Yeah, well, your father is running late, and he didn't want you to miss out on the grand unveiling of the secret ice princess," Yoongi said with a yawn.

"Was it ever confirmed?" Hobi inquired, grabbing a pretzel from Jungkook's bag.

Yoongi, with one eye open, glanced at Hobi and remarked, "I keep forgetting you weren't here during the years of speculation and conspiracy."

"Is it truly that dramatic? I fail to see the problem with possessing a special ability. From my perspective, it was rather harsh to confine her for so many years," Hobi remarked."

"We deliberated on the issue but concluded that she probably couldn't control her power, and they couldn't risk it. Jimin has never openly acknowledged it but is not adept at concealing his feelings. It makes sense, considering they likely didn't know how to manage a newfound power," Yoongi explained.

"We were born close in age, but my mother often told stories about the girl born from the snow. Jimin doesn't talk about her much, but his gentle expression when her name is mentioned shows she must be very kind." Jungkook said

"I've heard she bears a resemblance to Jimin even in a dress, so it's fair to conclude that she must have an exceptional level of beauty, because, as we all know, Jimin is incredibly handsome," Hobi said

"We won't get the chance to admire her beauty; Jimin might just poke our eyes out if we stare too long. He gets really annoyed even if we mention her name," Yoongi laughed, closing his eyes again.

"His protective instincts as a brother are intense, especially since she's the first girl born into the kingdoms in over two centuries. It's a significant event, and if she's as beautiful as we anticipate, he's certainly going to need some assistance," Jungkook remarked.

"Understanding her is crucial before becoming part of her life. We can demonstrate our sincerity and good intentions by establishing a real connection and ensuring she feels at ease," Hobi explained.

"We have a solid four months ahead of us to make this happen, and I'm quite confident that in the future, she will join us for more visits," Yoongi said, his eyes remaining peacefully closed. "There's plenty of time to connect with her and truly establish a strong bond."

"Your Highnesses we have arrived at the Water Kingdom" their driver announced

The vehicle pulled up to a halt in front of the grand castle-esque residence that had become familiar to them, and one by one, the gentlemen stepped out of the car.

"Well boys...let's get it" Jungkook grinned.

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