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"Do not worry o queen as his days are now numbered.mhuje agya dijye." I said folding my hand infront of her.

I entered the area of pranasur and i could feel the asuri maya surrounding the area. I could also hear some rustling of some bushes "pranasur come out why are you hiding like a coward or are you scared to face me because your boon says youll die at the hands of women." I said loudly in a challenging tone. He suddenly jumped out of nowhere "so they have finally ran out of man's and warriors that they started sending women to fight me " He taunts "you know you talk a lot lets fight its finally time to free this lands from your hand" I said and we started fighting the fight became very intense suddenly i started feeling warm from inside and my anger started growing and with a burst of energy i beheaded him. I could feel the adrenaline rush my heart was beating fast my sword had changed suddenly while fighting it felt perfect in my hands.I could feel the exhaustion from fight and adrenaline leaving i could feel the pain from my body suddenly I heard a voice shouting my name. I turned to see shruti and maharani running towards me followed by what looked liked the villagers.

"Isha putri i don't know how to thank you today you have freed us from a very big curse putri know that avanti is free it will need its king or queen my son and husband are both dead and now that my people are free i want to go to vanvas putri please accept to be the queen of avanti please it will give me a peace of mind. " The queen said "but mharani will the praja accept me as you know no one will accept a women on the throne" I said  "why dont you find out? " She said pointing towards the praja one men came forward by the looks he looked like a courtier "devi so far non of our allie kingdom helped us when we needed them you are the only one who came forward and fought for us without knowing us so only matter what the people of avanti thinks not what the aryavat thinks and we accept you as our queen anyway we worship the tridevis more so why will we have a problem. " He said  "valabhji is right putri" Maharani said " Ok i will accept but i will have few conditions first being i will not tolerate any discrimination be it gender, cast, race or anything else, second basic education and self defense will be compulsory for everyone, thrid since we wont be following cast system anyone can choose any occupation they want like if a brhamin wants to be a trader he can be, fourth there will be a groups of  womens where they will dedicate few hours in creating various products for sale so that they can also earn some allowance as many a time in war the men go to fight for either his ego or for his duty but they forget that their families are left behind and if anything happens to them they are left without any support so if the women of the house is also earning it will be a financial safety and she gets to decide whether the money will be spend or saved while the husband or the man of the family is still there and the womens will also learn to be independent, fifth i wont do the coronation without my family here. " I said everyone agreed to my conditions after what they went through they didn't care of anything all they knew was the were one  "putri of course tell me the details i will send a invitation to them." Maharani said "well my pitashree is mharaj vasudev my matas are mata devki and mata rohini my brother yuvraj balram , rajkumar Krishna and rajkumari subhadra. " I said

 " I said

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A\N guys this are some of the swords i liked but you can imagine any of the above or any you like outside of what i posted PC: PINTEREST/GOOGLE THANK YOU

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A\N guys this are some of the swords i liked but you can imagine any of the above or any you like outside of what i posted PC: PINTEREST/GOOGLE THANK YOU

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