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After a few hours of doing absolutely nothing at his moms place, (Y/n) decided to go out. He knew it wasn't the smartest thing to do, but he doubted Michael would impulsively kill anyone in broad daylight... plus, (Y/n) needed to grab a few more items and pack for the trip to Hawaii.

(Y/n) grabbed his keys and made his way to his place. He unlocked the door and sighed, closing it being him. He made sure to lock it and made his way upstairs.

It was now twelve in the afternoon, the start of rush hour as many people were going in and out of work. (Y/n) stood outside his room, about the open the door, when his phone started ringing. He paused and looked at the contact that read 'mom'. He answered it, and with a calm tone he said "what's up?" "Hi son. Are you still at my place? The traffic is terrible right now!", she sighed. "I don't think I'm going to be getting home anytime soon". "That's fine mom. I went back to my place to pack. Don't stress it". And with that, they said their 'I love yous' and hung up. (Y/n) opened the door and hummed to himself. He opened his closet and started looking through his clothes.

"Hmm... what to wear. What to wear," he repeated to himself. He thought for a second before pulling out a (artist/band name) shirt. "Okay this for pajamas," he said to himself. "Hm... now what pajama pants should I bring..." he looked around again, to concentrated on paying attention to his surroundings. His eyes landed on a skeleanimals one. "Okay so these". He grabbed the outfit and turned around, about to bring it to his bed to fold, when he paused. He stood there in silence, frozen at the sight in front of him. There sat the six foot mental institution patient on his bed, staring at (Y/n) though the dark holes from the ghostly-pale mask. (Y/n) couldn't see through his sunken eyes. (Y/n) immediately let out a scream and backed as far as he could. Michael slowly stood up from his previous spot, creeping towards (Y/n). "M-Michael?!" He said, throwing the clothes he was holding at him. Out of instinct he started backing up until his back hit the wall. He shut his eyes closed and waved his hands out, "please don't hurt me". Michael stopped moving. He noticed the way (Y/n) seemed afraid of him. Michael wasn't stupid, he knew (Y/n) was afraid because they were alone.

There was a moment of silence before (Y/n) slowly opened his eyes. Michael tilted his head to the side. The air grew tense as (Y/n) blinked. Confused, he found himself following Michael's actions and tilted his head. They stood there for a few more seconds until (Y/n) let out a sigh. "W-Why'd you leave?". He knew he wasn't going to get a reply back, but he still asked anyways. Michael didn't move, and only backed away a little. He decided to give (Y/n) some space. (Y/n) noticed this. Michael wouldn't kill me...right?

Michael had various opportunities to kill (Y/n) at the institution. If he wanted him dead, he would have done it already. Or so (Y/n) hoped. (Y/n)'s eyes trailed down Michael's frame and into the ground below them. His cheeks turned pink out of embarrassment. He quickly kneeled down to pick up the clothes. Stupid. A tee shirt wouldn't even hurt Michael. Michael watched as his best friend picked up the clothes. "S-sorry. I threw it out of instinct," (Y/n) stuttered. Michael didn't mind. He knew (Y/n) wouldn't hurt him. He wouldn't hurt anyone.

And that attracted Michael. Since they were kids, they had been complete opposites. Michael had a bad childhood, with a terrible family, while (Y/n) grew up with a wonderful and caring mother. Michael was bullied and tormented by others, while (Y/n) was well respected until he started hanging out with him. Michael had urges to kill and hurt people.... while (Y/n) would cry over an animal getting hurt. They had more differences then things they shared in common. Their similarities weren't huge. It was little things like similar music tastes, their favorite color, and favorite movies.

Michael didn't know why he was so attracted to (Y/n). He didn't feel the need to see him getting hurt. It was almost like Michael wanted to protect him.

(Y/n) stood up and watched Michael. "So... long time no see," he jokingly said as he tried to lighten up the mood. He still was tense over the whole jumpscare, but he didn't want Michael hurting him out of impulse. He needed to distract him.

Michael's eyes followed (Y/n)'s every movements. He noticed he clothes and the suitcase that was laid upon his bed. (Y/n) noticed. "I'm packing for a...camping trip..." he lied. Really? A camping trip to the woods where it's isolated? (Y/n) mentally cursed. Michael quickly nodded once and started to walk out of (Y/n)'s room. (Y/n) followed him, making sure there was distance between the two. All of a sudden, Michael stopped, causing (Y/n) to bump into his back. "Fuck, sorry. What happened?" (Y/n) rubbed his hand and looked ahead. He saw red and blue police lights outside his windows. "Ugh... I'm to tired to be answering the cops questions," (Y/n) frowned. "Go hide, yeah?" Out of instinct, he grabbed Michael's arm and pulled him back into his room. Or at least tried. Michael had to walk in order to get (Y/n) to "drag" him. (Y/n) didn't know why he was doing this. He just wanted the cops to leave.

There was a loud knock coming from the door. "Just be quiet and hide, okay Mikey?" The nickname calmed Michael down. He trusted him. Either way, he would easily kill (Y/n) if he rattles him out. He, or course, wouldn't lay his hands on him, and killing him was out the picture. But threatening him could work.

(Y/n) let go and shut the door behind him. He made his way to the front door and opened it. He was greeted with three cops on sight. "Good morning officers".

RZ Michael Myers x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now