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A festive holiday where kids can dress up and gather candy is supposed to be full of joy and wonders. But it wasn't for Michael. Michael had plans. A killing spree. He needed to let his rage out somehow. (Y/n) was immediately out the picture. As stubborn as he was, he knew hurting (Y/n) in Halloween would be stupid. Hurting (Y/n) in general was a big no for him.

(Y/n) was warned to not go out during Halloween. He was going to stay with his mom at her place. He woke up to the smell of pancake syrup. He quickly got ready and washed his face and changed into a fresh set of clothes. "Morning," he told his mom. "Good morning honey. You're staying the night right? I don't want you going out". (Y/n) nodded, "of course. Tomorrows our trip either way".

After eating breakfast, (Y/n) started dialing up Dr. Loomis. After a few rings, he finally picked up. "Morning," he said. "Morning. I don't plan on staying at my place tonight. It'll be too dangerous for me". Dr. Loomis knew it would eventually add up to this. "Good to hear. Do you want me to send police outside tonight?" It would suspicious if (Y/n) said no... right? "I would greatly appreciate it". After chatting for a few more minutes, (Y/n) hung up. Officer Bailey is supposed to be on night watch outside of (Y/n)'s moms house.

About a few hours later, the two gathered in the dining room and started making goodie bags with toys and treats to hand out to the kids. (Y/n)'s mom always went overboard and was always eager to happily hand them out. Growing up, (Y/n) was that on kid that always handed out the "good" candy because his mom knew how to make treat bags that were filled with things. They handed candy, stickers, a mini puzzle, and a small Jack o lantern plush. "Mom. I don't wanna seem pushy but- what was Michael like?" He was curious about how Michael was seen in her eyes. She had previously told him about Michael but it was put detailed. He can tell she was holding back. She paused, "I don't want to scare you, hun". "Mom. I'm an adult now." "It's Halloween. Let's not talk about him, okay?". "No mom. I want to know".

I took some begging to finally get her to speak. "Michael wasn't... normal. When you first met he was raging in anger and was cursing all the time! It's unbelievable hearing that from a kid! I was so surprised when I met his mother. She wasn't a good parent, but in her situation, I know she was trying her best". I sighed. I had heard about her suicide but I didn't know if it was true or not, but I decided to not ask about it.

I walked over to the living room and turned on the TV, starting a horror movie to add to the Halloween vibes instead of the usual void of emptiness that came from Michael's life. I heard footsteps as I heard my mom following me. She didn't say anything but sat down on the couch next to me. There was a moment of silence until she spoke up "why are you so curious about Michael?" I froze for a second. I knew I had to reply. "Uh, I just can't believe a kid would do all of that..." I trailed off. She only nodded, "yeah. It's unfortunate that kid had a rough past. I hope he's out somewhere far from here". I only awkwardly turned the TV volume higher, "Yeah...".

As the day went by, my mom and I decided to put on our costumes and open the door for any trick or treaters. I quickly changed into my vampire outfit and my mom changed into a Disney villain. Another horror movie played in the background, the sounds of blood and screaming echoing out from the screen. I got up as I heard knocking. My mom smiled and handed me the bowl of treats. I chuckled and opened the door. "Trick or treat!" It was three kids and parents standing far watching them. "Hey guys!" I smiled and handed them their treats. "Have a spooky night!" My mom grinned. We closed the door as they walked away.


As soon as the clock struck 6, Michael got up and dropped everything. He was a raging mess, boiling with disastrous thoughts as he grabbed his knife. His heavy footsteps creaked under the old wooden floor of his childhood home. Cobwebs broke apart under him, killing the bugs unfortunate enough to stand below him. His breathing was heavy, filled with monstrous energy that only sent fear to those who he would be killing. He had a name that he needed gone. His little sister, the girl who in his eyes, betrayed him.

He headed out the beaten house and made his way into the shadows, acting like a boogeyman for those unsuspecting victims. He walked closer and closer to the neighborhood, not drawing attention since it was Halloween. Plenty of people wore masks and similar outfits. His heavy footsteps stomped on the cement as he made his way to her house. There were police officers monitoring the neighborhood, but they seriously weren't doing their job. Michael watched as one of them ate food in his cop car, kicking his feet up on the wheel. Michael immediately knew they wouldn't be a threat.


It was 8 pm now. The streets were visibly empty but a few trick or treaters still roamed the neighborhood. There was a knock on the door and I immediately stood up, "I'll get it" I told my mom. My mom nodded and turned her attention back to the horror movie. I grabbed the treats basket and opened the door. I had a smile on my face, expecting to see a trick or treater. Instead, I bumped into a large chest of a man. A man that smelled like blood. I immediately looked up and saw Michael. I quickly panicked, "what the fuck?" I turned to look at my mom, who still was watching the movie. I sighed and looked back at Michael. "What are you going here?" I quickly said, making sure to keep my voice down. Michael only titled his head to the side, trying to get into my mom's house. I Immediately put my hands on his chest, indicating for him to stop. "My mom's here!" I panicked. Michael only looked down at me, his dull eyes looking into mine as he stopped. He couldn't help but feel a bit rejected. After all, h only wanted to see me before his killing spree.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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