14. Zombies

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finn_cavanaugh: wanna hang out?

I blinked a couple of times and stared at the text I just got from Finn. Today was a day off and I had been bored out of my mind. And it was only 10 a.m. Granted I only woke up 30 minutes ago, but still. 

Having your friend live literally next door had its perks. I walked over to my window and slid it open, and I could see Finn lazing away on his bed. 

sebassian24: at least let me in

He jolted out of bed and ran out his bedroom door.

Wow, someone was excited to hang out. He must've been really bored. 

I waited for a few more seconds, and just as I expected, a soft ding alerted me to Finn's text. 

finn_cavanaugh: where art thou?

I rolled my eyes.

sebassian24: why would i walk all the way down there when there's a window up here

Moments later, a very unamused looking Finn walked back in and slid his window open. 

"You could have specified." He drawled out.

I shrugged. I gently swung my leg over and leaped over to his window, climbing in expertly. Hah, I was getting good at this. 

"SO, Romeo, what are we doing?"

He cocked an eyebrow. "Romeo?"

I nodded. "Didn't he throw pebbles and climb into his lover's bedroom or something?"

Finn had this really impish smile on his face now. "Are you implying I'm your lover?"

Wait. I didn't think this through. My face turned fifty shades of red while I struggled to give a coherent answer. 

"Hold on, no- that's not what I meant-"

He laughed. "Either way, wouldn't that make you the Romeo? Considering you were the one who climbed into my room?"

I realized he was right, but oh well. I decided we needed to change the topic before my head would explode from this sudden nervousness I was facing. 

"Anyway, back to my original question. What are we gonna do?" 

He looked towards his laptop on his bed. "We could watch a movie."

I was fine with that. "Sure, which one though?"

Was it just me, or was there suddenly this glint in Finn's eyes?

"What about a horror movie, or a show?"



Here's the thing.

I am a huge baby when it comes to horror movies. I don't mind watching them, but they terrify me. 

I gulped. "Sure I guess, but just a warning. I usually cut off of Theo's blood circulation when we watch horror movies. I can't help it, I get scared easily."

He pouted slightly. I couldn't help but think how adorable he looked. He was tall and well built, and his soft black hair always fell over his face in the dreamiest way. All that combined with his soft pink lips framed into a pout, my heart could barely handle it.

"I absolutely don't mind, Sebastian."

He was the only one who actually called me by my name, everyone else just called me Seb. Apart from the teachers of course. But I preferred when my name came out of his mouth. 

I climbed onto his bed and arranged the pillows, making myself comfortable. The weather was cold, making all this extremely cozy. I eyed the blanket at the end of the bed. It looked so soft. So warm, so inviting. 

The soft sound of the laptop's fan whirring filled the comfortable silence. Finn typed away for a few seconds, before turning to me. 

"What do you think about zombies?"

Zombies are easier to handle than ghosts, right? I nodded.


The only zombie movie I'd seen was Train to Busan, and it was...sad. 

"It's a show, so we might only be able to get through some of it today." 

I shuffled around before relaxing into the soft pillows behind me, watching as Finn got up to draw the curtains to make the room darker. I checked the name of the show we were going to watch.

All of us are dead.

Really. I hope it wasn't as scary as it looked. 

10 minutes later I had pulled the blanket up to my eyes and peeked out from behind it. My left hand was gripping Finn's arm so hard I was worried I might leave a bruise. 


I was pressed to Finn by now. Both my hands were clutching his arm. I could hear him chuckle softly. He gently pried my fingers from his arm and I panicked. Did I make him uncomfortable?

He gave me a soft, tender look and lifted his arm, beckoning me towards him. I shuffled even closer and he placed his arm across my shoulders, gently tucking my head toward his neck. 

It should have felt awkward. Friends don't usually do this, right?

Instead, I felt safe. I felt all happy and warm inside. I let out a content sigh and shifted my attention to the screen. I wasn't as scared anymore. 

It felt right. Comfortable. I was snuggled into his frame. Since he was so much taller I fit into his arms perfectly, like a puzzle piece. 

His hand gently raked through my hair. The show was actually pretty interesting. By the third episode, I was hooked. 

Their screams were pretty horrifying though. 

I didn't even realize the hours that passed until my stomach grumbled. I nudged Finn with my head. I mentally chided myself when I realized I probably looked like a cat when it wants to be petted. 

He looked down at me. Our faces were so close. I think my heart stopped beating. 


I swallowed down my nervousness. "I'm kinda hungry."

He looked at the clock in his room. "Woah, it's lunch time already. I didn't even realize." 

Well, that makes two of us.

He raised his arms above his head in a stretch. His t-shirt rode up slightly and my cheeks flushed when I got a glimpse of that toned body underneath. 

"Do you want to have lunch together? We could order something, or go out to eat."

"I want Chinese." I demanded.

He chuckled softly and we ordered takeout from a local Chinese place. I've always loved their noodles, but they just seemed to taste better today.

I don't really know why. Maybe it's the company I'm with.

Finn (bxb)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن