21. Seventeen

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"You are the dancing queen
Young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen"

I yawned and opened my eyes, to see a weird lady staring back at me from above me. I yelped and threw off my blanket, rubbing my eyes furiously. I focused back on the lady. 

Oh. It was just my mom. With a speaker in her hand, blasting Seventeen by Abba. She gave me a bright smile. "Happy birthday Seb!"

I chuckled and opened my arms wide for a hug. "Aww mom, thank you."

She hugged me tightly. "You're growing up so fast, you were five just yesterday!"

She pulled away and ruffled my hair. "I made chocolate chip pancakes for you, so you can still have some chocolate in your day."

I had a wide grin on my face as I scarfed down my breakfast. I had told my friends to come over at 5 pm or so. I wasn't too sure what I'd do until then. 

I walked into the living room and laughed. "Mom! I told you to lay off on the decorating."

She gave me a cheeky look. "I'll shimmer up the whole house for every single one of your birthday's as long as I can, Seb."

I shook my head. I had an amazing mother. 

I spent some time facetiming my dad, who worked overseas. It had been almost a year since I last met him, but we called pretty often. He wished me a happy birthday and asked what I wanted for my birthday. I just shrugged, I didn't really want anything. 

I finally opened my phone and was surprised at the amount of notifications. I quickly replied to Anna and Ryan with a simple 'thank you :)' before replying to the endless spam caused by Theo and Jen, who sent about 50 texts asking if I 'saw Finn's post'.

I realized Finn had tagged me on some post. My jaw dropped when I saw the picture he'd posted, the only post on his page. 

The hideous picture I'd shown him, the one with the makeup and crown. At least most of the dress was cropped out. My eyes almost popped out as I read the caption. 

finn_cavanaugh: Happy birthday to the prettiest princess 

I think I almost passed out. No wonder I suddenly had a ton of follow requests. Most of them were my classmates. I spotted a few that seemed to resemble the people in Finn's beach picture. Oh god. 

I was blushing furiously, not sure if I wanted to punch Finn or hug him. But a huge part of me was giggling internally, over the fact that he posted me. And it was his first post too. 

I was in my room with Chonk, and mom wasn't bothered either, it being my birthday and all. I lifted him up and spun him around in excitement, although he didn't look too pleased. Amidst my twirling, I heard a soft laugh and continuous clicking noises.

I paused and looked towards my open window, only to see Finn with a mischievous grin with his phone pointed at me. I gasped and ran to my window, plopping Chonk on my bed. 

I tried to reach over and grab his phone, but our windows weren't that close. He tucked it into the pocket of his shorts and placed his hands on his windowsill. 

I groaned and covered my face with my hands. "Come on, Finny."

"Happy birthday, Sebastian."

I peeked out through the gaps between my fingers. "Thank you." I mumbled out, still not removing my hands because my face was even redder after seeing Finn. I had forgotten how hot he looked in the morning. 

"So, what are your plans for the day?"

I shook my head. "Nothing until 5."

He had a thoughtful look on his face. "It's your birthday, and it's on a Sunday. I think you should have as much fun as possible."

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