17. Re-opened Wounds

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We stopped by the cute ice-cream place from the other day and got our scoops. I didn't make a whole mess out of the toppings this time.

"So, birthday?"

I nodded. "I'm turning seventeen next week."

He frowned. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

I shrugged. "It just never came up."

He finished off the last of his strawberry ice-cream. "Who was that guy?"

"Who? Oh, you mean Ben. He's Ryan's friend. He seemed nice, but weirded me out a little."

Finn had a very weird look on his face, and he didn't meet my eyes. I was curious. 

"Do you know him?" 

He jerked his head up to look at me. After a second of silence, he shook his head. "No."

His tone was a bit off, but I decided to not dig into it. Maybe he seemed familiar to Finn. He went back to my previous statement. "Did he do something to weird you out?"

I paused for a second to think about it. "He didn't do anything, but... I don't know."

Finn didn't seem like he wanted to let it go, but I changed the topic.

"Did you finish writing an essay about me?"

Speaking of which, I was yet to get started on mine.

He hummed. "I finished it on the day it was assigned."

My mouth fell open in shock. "How even?"

He smiled. "What about you? Done with mine yet?"

I groaned. "I didn't start."

After I finished my chocolate scoop, I abruptly ran to the counter to pay. Finn panicked for a second when I took off, but just shook his head when he saw what I was trying to do.

"Sebastian, I want to pay."

I pointed a finger at him. "You stay away. You've already paid once."

He raised his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay."

The same girl was working the register as last time, and she kept staring at Finn. I grumbled under my breath but paid the bill. As we were leaving, she called out, "Hey, I think you forgot to give me a call last time."

My eye twitched but I stayed silent. Why was I so annoyed anyway?

"I didn't forget."

And with that, he twirled his keys around on his finger and walked out. Wow.

That brought me a lot more joy than it should've.


I got off his bike and shrugged off his jacket. "Here." I handed it to him, but he just stared at me.

"It's getting colder. Keep it."

I laughed. "I have plenty of jackets and sweaters at home Finny."

He shook his head. "I think this one looks best on you."

I gave him a look. "It has your name on it."

He mumbled something under his breath, and I thought I heard something like, "That's precisely the point."

"Huh? What'd you say?"

He gently fixed up my hair as he spoke. "I said, that's besides the point."

"Oh." Right. Was I being delusional?

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