28. Everybody knew?

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I opened my door and I instantly felt all warm and fuzzy inside.

I had a stupid grin on my face. "Hello, boyfriend."

He held out his hand with an adorable little smile, and I took it gladly. We walked to his bike and he fixed up my helmet straps. It was so easy to fall back into our daily routine.

It still felt so unreal. My entire world turned over in one day, and I was now officially dating Finn. I still couldn't get over it.

As I laid my head on his back, arms wrapped around him, I realised just how much we acted like a couple even before we were one.

No wonder Theo and Jenny always looked so frustrated with me.

I waited patiently for Finn to park his bike and we walked in together. He was about to go in a different direction but I tugged on his arm.

"I want to tell my friends about us, is that okay?"

He nodded. I tilted my head in the direction of my locker.

"Come with me?"

He hesitated for a moment, but then nodded again and walked with me. Theo and Jenny simultaneously turned to look at us, stopping all conversation.

I cleared my throat as they looked at me earnestly.

"So...um..." I was stuck, and a few seconds passed with all of us awkwardly staring at each other.

Finn placed his arm across my shoulders. "We're dating."

Jenny shrieked and Theo fanned himself. Drama queen.

"Oh my god, finally!" Jenny yelled. "I'm so happy for you two."

Theo grinned before returning to his dramatics again. He leaned in towards me with his arms outstretched. "Nooo, baby, how could you betray me-"

Before he could jump on me, Finn stuck his hand out and lightly shoved him back.

"None of that."

I glanced at Theo and laughed. "Too bad, Theodore. I've got myself a bodyguard now. Find a new person to harass."

He pouted. "Fineee."

He secretly gave me a small smile, and I smiled back. I knew what he was trying to say. He was proud of me for finally dealing with it after panicking and freaking out at him for an entire week.

"Took only a little bit of a lot of pushing, Seb." Theo said.

I didn't even try to deny it. "Well what can I say?" I bumped my shoulder against Finn's. "I was an idiot for quite a long time."

Jenny snorted. "Like you aren't now."

I pretended to not hear her. "Class. Yes. English first. C'mon Finn, let's go!"

Theo, Finn and I started walking down the hallway, while Jenny said she had to get some stuff.

On the way, I noticed Ryan leaning against his locker, looking dazed.

I was about to greet him, but he seemed to be transfixed by something behind me, unaware of my presence. He had a fond look on his face.

I followed his gaze to see Jenny rummaging through her locker.


I decided to leave him to his thoughts and went about my way. Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll reveal itself in due time.


I was walking down the hallway, ready to head to lunch. I heard a soft voice calling out for me, and I instantly knew who it was.

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