Chapter 2

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My POV (Guinevere)

I wake up on the hard wooden floor but I wake up to screaming. I stand up not caring about the pain and I run to my room. You see my bed is made out of wood and then there is more material around it than my mattress. I did cut the material so I could slide there whenever. As I am sliding in I start crying silently.

"You stupid bitch. I will hit you whenever I feel like it. You fucking can't do anything right."My dad shouts at my mother then I hear the sound of a slap.

"Well, you are so kicking stuck up. You are a fucking stupid person because how could you. I love you. You are creating me. How can you fucking do that?"My mother shouts. I then hear a lot of slapping. I hear glass breaking and things being thrown. My parents think I left for school.

"I will do what I want. Have you seen how you look? You look like a fucking a fucking slut. I will fuck who I want and I am the fucking boss not you!"My dad shouted at me.

They keep on going like that. I put my hands over my ears and stayed there there was a knock on the door.

Nevon's pov

I am knocking on this door because there was a noise complaint. We have been sitting out here undercover looking at the house. We know that a child is living in that house. These people Stefan and Karen have been living there for a while. The school has phoned to say the child living there Guinevere has been abused.

I hope this is not the case because I can't see a child going through that. If that is the case then she is going to get checked out by my wife Talia. She is a wonderful woman and likes to help Kids. She is a writer. She is writing a book about a feral child. She cares a lot for children yet she can't have children. I also can't have children. Talia is a doctor at the children's hospital. She has worked hard to get where she is.

Talia wants to adopt a girl and so do I. but we haven't gotten a chance to look so the idea is there but we haven't done it.

I am a special agent Let's just say it runs in the family. I have a mother and father that I truly love they are both fifty. Let's just say my mother was fourteen when she had me and my brother was sixteen. They aren't that far away from us.

I love my family and I will do a lot for them.

My partner Enzo is sitting next to me while he is listening to music. We are just sitting here the whole day and I wish that I could run in there and take the child in my arms saying everything is going to be okay.

That is what we do we just sit here.

Hello, so the chapters are going to get longer. Please be patient with me.

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