chapter 20

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Talia's pov

I woke up to Nevan talking. I moved to see Guinevere sitting in the middle of us. Nevan is speaking with Guinevere.

"So Dad what is your job?"Guinevere asked

"I work as a special agent. I find people who have been kidnapped and also people who hurt their children."Nevan said

"That is super cool. What does mom do?"Guinevere asked

"Your mom is a doctor but she works with kids who are abused and neglected," Nevan said

"That is super nice," Guinevere said

"How are you feeling about traveling?"Nevan asked

"I'm very nervous. I am very scared Dad."Guinevere said

"Pumpkin your mom and I are going to be right here. You are going to sit in the middle of us. You can find our hand. But we have to try to keep you awake all day. I know it is going to be hard. You might get a little fussy."Nevan said

I finally decided to turn around and Guinevere looked at me.

"Morning baby girl," I said

"Hello, Mom. Were you awake while we were talking?"Guinevere

"Yeah. You know you have nothing to be scared of. We are going to be there when you need anything."I said

"I know Mom," Guinevere said

I sat up and Guinevere decided to sit on my lap while pulling my shirt.

"You can have milk but not fall asleep," I said

Guinevere nodded her head and I lifted my shirt which I helped Guinevere to latch on. Nevan did move closer to me and we just cuddled while looking at Guinevere who was sucking.

"What time were you up?"I asked

"I heated the baby monitor went off and that was around four. I walked into the nursery to see Guinevere crying into her pillow. She had a bit of a nightmare. I did change her diaper and gave her a milk bottle."Nevan said

"Why did you not wake me up?"I asked

"You were sleeping and you need to rest up," Nevan said

I cannot wait to be there in South Africa. It is going to be so much fun."I said

"You are not the only one. This is our first vacation as a holiday."Nevan said

I moved my head and kissed Nevan. I did taste the coffee on Nevan's tongue. I pulled away and took Nevan's mug that is halfway.

"Thank you," I said and I took a sip of the coffee that was a bit sweet.

"You know if you asked I could have made you a cup of coffee," Nevan said

"Yes I know but have you tasted this coffee? It is so sweet and it wakes me up. Plus it is so good."I said

"You can be happy that this little pumpkin is in the room," Nevan said and I just smiled at him.

"Would you like breakfast?"Nevan asked

I smirked because I was going to say you but I did not want to say it in front of Guinevere.

"Can I please get toast with peanut butter with honey?"I said and Nevan stood up and walked out of the bedroom. I looked down to see Guinevere starting to fall asleep.

"Baby girl you can not fall asleep. Mommy wants to see those pretty brown eyes."I said

Guinevere opened her eyes and she looked up at me. Guinevere grabs my shirt and I rub her cheek she is getting fatter.

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