Chapter 16

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My POV (Guinevere)

I woke up feeling hot. It is just that when it is summer bad things always used to happen. I hate it when I sweat it brings back old memories that I cannot handle. I move and I feel the sweat on my back. I see that I am in my crib and there is a fan that is on but I am sweating so much.

I started crying bloody murder not likening my thoughts. I was getting so hot. Daddy and Mommy ran into my room but they looked concerned. Mommy picked me up and I just kept on crying.

"Hey baby girl I need you to breathe, "Mommy said

Mommy placed me on the changing table where she changed my diaper and kept me just in my diaper. Daddy walked into the room with a wet towel and he swaddled me in the cold towel. I started calming down but I was still scared and I was still crying my heart out.

"Our room is colder. It might help her calm down."Daddy said

They walked into the master bedroom where the room was much colder. Daddy did put it on the bedside light.

"Pumpkin. Daddy needs you to breathe. I know it might be hard to break but we are here to help you."Daddy said I was trying to calm down but I was struggling to calm down.

"Baby. Listen to my heart. Mommy has you and I am never going to let go. I need you to breathe baby. Mommy and Daddy are right here and we are going to keep you safe."Mommy said

I started calming down and Mommy just kept on walking around till I was calm. I wanted some milk so I started sucking on her shirt. Mommy helped me latch on to her Bobbie. I started sucking fast and mommy just looked at me.

"There we go. Keep on drinking Mommy's milk. Daddy and Mommy have you."Daddy said

Daddy and Mommy held me very tight and they looked down at me. I kept on looking at them with my big eyes. I was falling asleep and then everything went black.


I woke up again getting hot and I started crying again. Daddy and Mommy ran into the room and Daddy picked me up.

"Hey pumpkin it is Daddy. Mommy and Daddy are right here. Deep breath baby girl."Daddy said and I could not calm myself down.

Daddy and Mommy walked to the bathroom. Mommy got undressed and Daddy gave me to Mommy who took my diaper wet. Daddy got naked and he put on the shower. Daddy and Mommy held me while the cold water started running on my body. Daddy washed my body and when I was washed I wanted more milk.

Daddy gave me Mommy and Mommy helped me to latch on because I kept on latching on wrong. Mommy and Daddy kept on holding me under the cold water making me stop crying. Daddy

Daddy did throw a towel around me while I was still stuck on mommy's nipple. Daddy helped Mommy to put a towel around her and Mommy walked in the room. Mommy did place me on the mat where she put lotion on my body and a clean diaper. Daddy walked into the room all dressed.

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