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Simone Laysia Brown
December 13th

"Landon, what do you want from me"

"I heard you were down here, had to see for myself"

"And you just knew I was here"

He licked his lips, "I got my niggas eyes on you, Lay". He said making me shudder

Creep, flipping creep.

Old ass man touching on me and got niggas watching me.

Trigger warning: mention of RAPE

I met Landon when I was eleven and he  was twenty-eight at the time. I was walking home from a friend's house and almost got kidnapped but Landon saved me and I was thankful then I started seeing him everyday. Every where I fucking went, Landon old ass was fucking there and then one day he took me out of school, claiming to be my uncle and we got food then he took me to a flipping trap house and raped me.

He raped me and forced me into marriage because he said I owed him because he saved my life. He saved it only to fucking ruin it.

Marry me, when I walked from home niggas by the corner would say, Ms. Jackson and I fucking hated it. I got home and cried myself to sleep every single night.

He made me hold a gun at twelve years old, made kill at twelve. I had 11 bodies by the time I turned thirteen.

My mum never knew a thing, I didn't tell her, I couldn't. When I was fourteen she and I fought alot because she thought I was acting up because I had a boyfriend.

But it wasn't because of that, it was because at fourteen, my husband got me pregnant. He got me pregnant and how I found out, my guidance counsellor at school.


"Ms.Brown, how are you doing today?"

I shrugged, "I'm fine". I muttered

"So last week I thought the random outbursts in class would stop given that I gave you some tips but today, Mrs. Washington had a complaint bec-"

I rolled my eyes, "The bitch always pi-"

"Ms.Brown, no profanity al-"

I shrieked, "Ugh, I don't give a fuck Ms. Green". I said feeling the burning sensation in my eyes

Fuck, I'm gonna cry.

Why?, I don't know. For the past three weeks I been having these mood swings. I don't know why I'm acting like this but I wish it could stop.

When I feel like someone's threatening me, I become mean, when I feel ambushed, I cry.

I even got these weird ass cravings, custard, brown bread and pickles, Yum(:

See, I find the weirdest combination so delicious.

Maybe it's my period, or my hormones are imbalanced but I just hate these fucking moods I'm having.

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