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Simone Laysia Brown
December 31th

"Baby, baby, baby"

"Landon let me go". I cried

I was tied up in a chair

He took out a switchblade and traced it on my cheek

He squeezed my face tightly, "I should fuck you up for leaving me". He sneered

I shook my head in fear, "You love me, you  wouldn't do that". I cried

He sighed, "I love you too much, I realised I have to let you go". He said raising the switchblade from my skin

He's finally gonna let me go, I'm gonna see Semaj and my baby, Orlando.

"You're going to have to die, that's the only way"

I shook my head scared, "Landon, no, no, no"

He dig the switchblade into my skin making me scream in pain and agony


I rose up from my bed gasping for air.

That dream almost felt real. I felt that blade cut through me, My throat hurts as if I was actually screaming for Landon to stop.

I looked over to Semaj who slept next to me, he looked so peaceful, almost making me think that everything's okay when in reality, it isn't.

I got out of bed checking the time, 00:30, I only got two hours of sleep but better than nothing, right?

I don't feel sleepy anymore and my medication is in the kitchen, but I need to eat first, I'm not hungry tho but I have to think about my baby.

I walked out the room, descending down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I turned the light on digging into the cabinets looking for something to eat.

I saw Oreo cookies and to reach for them.

I felt someone press against me and when I tried to turn around, they pressed harder against me.

I was scared, "Semaj, it's you?". I asked with a shaky voice

I felt a punch to my back making me yell out in pain holding on to the counter.

I turned around slowly, my eyes widened when I saw who it was.

"Ty what the f-". I was cut off with a punch to my face making fall on to the ground.

I screamed so the others could hear me.

He punched my face multiple times in the space of seconds as I tried to grab his hands he pulled my head up before banging it on the floor.

That shit hurt.

I was going in and out of consciousness as I heard the guys coming down the stairs shouting then I heard gunshots.

I felt myself being dragged on the floor and with one final hit to the face, I was out.

The dream was scary
Ty attacking Simone?
What happened after that?(Stay tuned luvvs)
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