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Semaj Jodi Lewis
January 13th

"You wanna irritate me again?". I asked as the doctor walked up to us

"Sir I-". He tried to speak but I cut him off

I waved him off, "I think y'all do. Five hours in this bitch and I been asking for updates on Simone Brown, gimme updates on Simone Brown, do y'all job and all y'all came back with was you'll let me know. It's been five hours when the fuck will you let me know?Huh?!". I yelled in his face

I felt a hand on my shoulder making me look making a face, "Lee, you needa calm down". Diya said making me push her away

I dusted my shoulder, "I need someone to get this opp bitch outta my face, done had it wit you". I said as Tion removed her away before coming back to me

I looked at the doctor, "Fucking update sir, anytime now". I said

Y'know, this hospital piss me the fuck off. I come innis bitch asking for Simone, they said she been in surgery for a while but she'll be out, cool. I wait, an hour later, I see the doctor I ask the nigga, what's the latest with Simone, he said he he'll let me know, three hours go by till this moment and I don't know shit about her condition then the best he gon' do is say 'Sir', fucking sir?!

My girlfriend got shot, you think I'mma be calm?, miss me wit that shit.

But besides them not knowing how to do their job, I will say that I am glad I fucked that London nigga up before my baby done hit him witta headshot, that shit make me love her even more than I do.

That's right, I love her. And I know it's sudden or whatever cause we was only inna relationship for a month and spent some time apart due to that London nigga kidnapping her and shit but I love her mane and ion even know how to explain it but all I know is that I will live for her, die for her, kill for her, lie for her fuck it, might switch sides for her. That's my baby and Porsha ass boutta stop talking shit because when Simone get on her ass, she gon' wish she ain't say shit.

The doctor cleared his throat, "I am not the doctor of Simone Brown but I do have updates on her. Simone is doing okay, only problems she'll be struggling with when she wakes up is back pain due her spinal cord injury and her leg, she'll be classified as disabled because she has a gunshot wound to her leg which will heal in six to ten weeks. The baby is doing okay but make sure that she does not do anything, at all. Bed rest is suggested for a month or three weeks". He said

Tion cleared his throat, "Baby?". He asked making nod my head

I looked at the doctor, "She's pregnant?". I asked

He nodded his head, "Yes, set to be a month in three days". He said


"Is she awake, we can see her?". Tion asked

The doctor his head, "Yes, visiting hours end at 10 and if you want to see her again, come back at 4pm"

So Simone isn't dead🙃
Lee hates Diya😒
Lee found put Simone is preggos👀
He loves her😫❤

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