other characters

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Roberto Moretti
Ex-Don of Italian Mafia
Father of Francesco and Lucian
Very strict man but loves his family

Rose Moretti
Wife of Roberto Moretti (deceased)
Ex-Donna of Italian Mafia
Was a loving woman

Lucian Moretti
Younger brother of Francesco
Father of triplets
Second in command of Mafia
Loves his family a lot

Aurora Moretti
Wife Lucian Moretti
Mother of triplets
Partner with Amelia in her Fashion company

Elijah,  Ezekiel, Elias Moretti
Sons of Lucian and Aurora
12 years
Love their family a lot and over protective of their baby sister

Arturo Valencia
Father of Amelia and Hades
Ex-Don of Russian Mafia
Best friend of Roberto but will never admit it at his face

Alicia Ivy Valencia
Wife of Arturo
Ex-Donna of Russian Mafia
Doctor in the Mafia
Mother of Alicia and Hades

Adonis  Valencia
Eldest son of Arturo and Alicia
Don of Russian Mafia
Wife died during child birth but does not blame his sons and cherish them as the last sign of his wife
Father of 2 twin sons

Diana Valencia (deceased)
Wife of Adonis
Mother of 2 twins sons
Died during child birth

Damon and Damien Valencia
2 years old
Twin sons of Adonis
Cute and intelligent kids , love their family a lot

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