chapter 10

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(Bella is 11 months old)

After that incident with Julian's friend they have been alert more than before.
It was Saturday evening they all have gathered at Francesco's house to spend their weekend together.
At dinning table, all the elders were talking with each other, Bella was wiggling in his high chair and was trying to gain attention of her dad but he had not noticed her because he was engrossed in conversation with elders about Mafia.
Bella got frustrated as she was trying to get his attention quite few times and he hasn't responded yet.
Suddenly she called him,"Da-da", and started clapping her hands.
All of them stopped whatever they were doing, Francesco just froze at his spot.
"No, baby say dom, what I have taught you. Say dom not dada" said Domenico.
Francesco trance broke due to voice of Domenico. He stood in front of bella and asked her to say dada again.
To which Bella clapped her hands and said,"Dada".
There were tears at the corner of his eyes and he just picked her in his arms and started peppering her face with kisses.
"Aww, what a cute video of her first word I got" said Julian.
All of them saw it, were happy that she said his first word but were burning from jealousy from inside because her first word was not their name.

Francesco was so happy from inside but had a smug look on his face. He just went in front of Amelia, to which she placed 1000 dollars in his hands. All of them just gave a confused look to them to which Francesco told them that he and Amelia had made a bet what will be Bella's first word. To which everyone just shake head at them.

Skip to Dinner time
They all were having dinner with bickering and drama from Marcello and Elias with scolding from elders. When Julian got up from his seat. When to kitchen and came back with a chocolate cake in his hands which he specially made for Bella as it is her favorite and to celebrate her first word.
They all enjoyed the caked and praised him for such delicious cake.
He smiled at them but when he saw her baby sis eating cake with chocolate smeared on his chubby cheeks but there was a grin on her face while eating it. He genuinely felt happy from inside.
After eating cake, Amelia cleaned Bella's face and said to bella to kiss Julian as thank you for the cake.
She made grabby hands towards Julian and kissed her both cheeks and chin as whenever she is happy she would kiss that person's chin. Julian just smiled wholeheartedly and kissed her forehead lovingly.

After dinner they all went to theatre room to watch some movies. First they watch kids movie with bella. When she went to sleep. She slept in Arturo room as today he want to sleep with her.

After Bella went to sleep, all boys watched movies all night and catch up with all the things.

Next morning, they get up a lil late from their usual timing. They all had breakfast together and started planning what will they do all day together.
The men decided to play cricket together while ladies decided that they will be audience and umpire for the match.
The match was filled with lot of laughter, whining and cheating.
(A/n: there is not any family game, in which there is no cheating and drama)

While ladies just laughed at them and Bella was also enjoying and giggling at them.

After the cricket match, they took a bath and thought to rest for a while as it was also time for Bella's nap.
After 1 hour all the males were gathered in the kitchen to make lunch for everyone. It was a kind of ritual for males to make lunch on Sundays for everyone so they can give rest to ladies for one day from kitchen.
They made risotto, Alfredo pasta, Focaccia, lasagna and spaghetti Bolognese and in desert ice cream and chocolate cake as Bella loves it.

They had their lunch together happily.
In evening they all went to their respective houses with intention to meet next weekend.

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