chapter 12

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(Bella is 2 years old now)

It was early morning, Allessandro was sleeping peacefully in his room when he heard soft footsteps outside his room which woke him up because being a Mafia Don he was a light sleeper,yes he now is a Mafia Don as it was decided earlier he would be crowned at the age of 21.

Suddenly he heard the opening of his door but didn't open his eyes because he knows who has entered his room. He didn't lock his room and left his door ajar so it can be opened easily and that person can enter his room. As the one who entered his room was none other than his stella(star). As Bella has the habit of coming to his room everyday in the morning whenever she wakes up from her sleep.

Like everyday she has entered his room to wake him up. She was trying to get on bed but it was a lil high for her. Allessandro slowly opened his eyes and was pretending to sleep whenever bella gaze fell on him. Bella was trying hard to get on bed but she fell on the floor with a soft thud but instead of crying she got up and again tried to hop on bed. Seeing this, Allessandro had a proud smile on his face, because even after falling she didn't cry and tried again to reach on bed. She was again going to fall but Allessandro reached her on time, picked her up and made her sit on his stomach. While he himself, laid comfortably against the headboard.

Seeing him already awake, Bella said to him,"I wake you, you no wake yourself."
(I wake you up, you don't wake up yourself).
To which Allessandro just chuckled and replied,"I'm so sorry princess. I'll not do it again."
Although he knows, he will be awake before she can wake him up but to make her happy he said this.

ella then cupped her face with her soft and small hands and said,"Good molning Les."(Good morning aless) and kissed his both cheeks.
"Now get leady, mama shays it's my big day. Granma will make choco cookie and Julie choco cake fol ush."
(Now get ready, mama says it's my big day. Grandma will make chocolate cookies and Julie chocolate cake for us)
He kissed her forehead lovingly and wished her morning and said,"Happy Birthday my Stella" and started peppering her face with kisses.
To which Bella just giggled.
Allessandro said softly to her,"Baby, if someone wishes you happy birthday and gives you something you should say 'thank you". To which she just responded positively.

Later, Alessandro freshen up, made Bella and himself ready and they went in the dinning room to have breakfast with everyone. Only his parents and brothers except for Dom, who happened to be a bit late for breakfast were sitting there and their extended family will arrive in the evening.

When they reached the dinning, his both parents kissed Bella's forehead and wished her birthday. To which Bella shyly replied,"tank you" and looked towards Alessandro to know that she said it correctly or not.
To which he just gave bella a proud look and smile and she also smiled in return.
Their parents smiled affectionately at them and replied together,"You're welcome princess."
Julian and Marcello also went to her, gave her a bear hug and wished her happy birthday.

After all the greetings they sat on their respective chairs to have breakfast.
Alessandro made her sit on his high chair and went to sit on his place.
Bella saw Domenico who had just entered the dining room and said to him,"Good moaning".
Listening to this Marcello fell on the floor from his chair due to laughter. Julian just choked on air and her parents froze on their seat and Domenico with amusement and mischievous in his eyes replied, "Good moaning to you too."
Alessandro being the sane and matured person present there doesn't show any emotion and softly correctly Bella, "Stella its morning okk".
Which break everyone's trance and Marcella sits back on his chair after sobering up from his laughter.
Domenico went near Bella, picked her up and gave him a hug and sighs in content. He kissed her forehead lovingly and wished her,"Happy Birthday my lil darling."
Bella thanked him.

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