CH:3- Did l just agree to get married?

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Aditi's POV

I am pretty sure maa called me to her room to talk about the incident that took place at the dinning table with my aunt but anyways l went to her room.

I was just about to open the door to enter her room when l heard maa and papa talk about something.
I never eavesdrop but this time l decided to hear before entering the room, l know this was wrong but l couldn't help but listen to their conversation quietly from outside.

The conversation ~
Maa- "l know what her aunt said was not right, l agree she's a big girl now and can take decisions for herself but don't you think it's actually time for Aditi to get married now?"

Dad- " Whatever happened at the table today was not right l mean yeah her aunt shouldn't have said that but now even l am really worried about Aditi, she said she doesn't want to get married right now and l know she won't agree to it herself".

Maa-" l think we should talk to her about this, everyone needs a life partner not that she's not capable enough but even she deserves someone who's there for her emotionally, a partner to rely on".

Dad- "l agree but we will just talk to her about it, rest is upto her. We won't force her!"

Maa- "But she needs to be a bit responsible about-"

Dad- "No means no, as l said it's upto her, it's her decision. We won't force her and this is  my decision is final!".

The conversation ends.

I don't understand how my dad changed his behaviour all of a sudden. I still remember how my parents used to treat me as child, though l was given everything, all my financial needs were taken care of, touch wood we never faced any financial problem. The thing that my childhood lacked was love. Everytime l tried to tell them how lonely l felt they would just tell me that l was jealous of my siblings, but it wasn't true. While l was lost in these thoughts I heard some footsteps approaching the door of their room, probably maa or papa must be coming towards the door.
I quickly knocked on their door to ask if l could enter to avoid being caught eavesdropping.

"Maa pa are you there, may l come in?"
I asked quickly.

They opened the door and went and sat on the sofa.

"Aditi beta we understand that what your aunt said was not right, she was trying to provoke you but l think you could have handled the situation better", maa said in a bit of a disappointed tone.
This wasn't new for me, my parents were usually disappointed despite all my efforts to make them happy they always ended up finding some or the other flaw to get disappointed.

"I am sorry maa but she should have known her limits, this wasn't the first time she said stuff like that but today l lost my cool", I replied.

"Anyways now the thing l wanted to talk to you about was" maa paused while saying this, l knew she wanted to talk about me about getting married but to avoid suspicion l acted like l was completely clueless.

"What's going on maa please tell?", l said.

Maa took a deep breath and finally said, "Aditi everyone needs a partner, a life partner, to rely on, to love and cherish for life and we think it's time for you too to have someone like that in your life. Ofcourse we won't force you but please consider giving this a thought, we won't be there with you forever. You need to start your family, u can't be alone forever right. But if you like someone you can tell us we have no issue with love marriage, but beta please give this a thought".

"I don't like anyone maa, and please don't say you guys won't be there with me forever, l know that's the harsh reality but maa please don't say all that it breaks my heart", l said in a low tone.

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