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Today was our Friendsgiving

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Today was our Friendsgiving. Friendsgiving this weekend next weekend actual Thanksgiving. I couldn't wait to go home and see all my family and be around my mom and shit. I couldn't wait to eat. Not like I haven't been having home-cooked meals here with him. He loves to cook up some shit and it always tastes good.

I sat down on my bed and put my shoes on getting ready to leave for the day. The dinner wasn't until later tonight, but I just wanted to leave earlier and be out of the house before later. Jason and I were about to hang out a bit. Go to the mall, hit a couple of other stores, etc.

Nothing major. I put on a hoodie and sprayed myself with cologne before grabbing my jacket and throwing it over my hoodie. I grabbed my keys and my phone already having my wallet in my pocket and headed to the front door. I felt Laz grab my shoulder before looking at me.

Where you going?

With Jason.

I can come?

I pulled out my phone to text him what I wanted to say since I felt that it would be too hard to sign it.

To "Laz🤙🏾":
Yes, but we weren't coming
back home after. We're going
to Bryce's Friendsgiving dinner
were you coming to that?

Yea, he invited me...

Ok. Come on.

I waited for him at the door and watched as he quickly put on his hoodie and his shoes. He grabbed his other belongings and then walked over to me smiling. This nigga is adorable. We walked out of the room together and made our way downstairs to where Jason was already waiting for me by my car. I dapped him and watched as he did the same to Laz.

"Wassup man. You wanted to go to which mall? It's one that's close to campus and one that's further out. I think the further out one is better, but I'm not sure on what you were looking for specifically," I told him as he thought about it.

"Shit, we can go to the further out one. I'll give you gas money," he told me as I nodded my head. "How to classes been going?"

"Good honestly. For the most part, my professors are pretty cool and are actually good at what they are teaching and shit. I'm understanding my computer Econ class pretty good and I'm honestly ready for next year already. It's been so good. How about you?" I asked him as he sighed.

"My experience hasn't been so great. I have this one teacher who swears up and down that they are just all of that. The way he talks and acts all of that. It's annoying as fuck but whatever. I've been going to my soccer practice too and I just can't wait until we can really get out there. We've just been doing dorm indoor shit and getting to know each other, but I can already tell we're about to have a good ass season. Have you thought about joining any clubs or anything? Like what about the dancing shit with Bryce?" He asked me as I shrugged.

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