Chapter 2

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I unlock the front door and step inside.
    "Hi honey! I'm in the basement!" my mom shouts at me from down below.
    "Okay!" I shout back, and I set my backpack down at the table. My mom works as an EMT and gets her Fridays off, though she usually spends it doing chores or watching reality TV. My dad is still at work and doesn't usually get home till 5. He teaches history at the elementary school in the town next to ours. Our home is quaint but big enough for my sister and me. Speaking of her, she walks in the door with an annoyed look on her face, having just come home from her soccer practice after school.
    "Mom's in the basement," I tell her.
    "Ughhh. My math teacher's gonna fail me if I don't do this homework. Eighth grade is so stupid ," she replies, unpacking her backpack.
"If you think eighth grade is hard, you'll love high school," I say tauntingly.
    "Leah, I'm in the basement," my mom shouts up.
    "I know, Ma, Beck told me," Leah yells back in return.
    We finish getting out our homework as our mom walks in, probably to get some snacks to bring down to the basement.
    "Good news!" I say to her. "I'm nominated for class president!"
    "Yay!" she says with a little clap. She was the one who rooted me on to run, and she saw my leadership potential.
    "Noah's the other nominee though," I say offhandedly, and my mom rolls her eyes.
    "That boy is always getting in your way. What do those kids see in him anyways? Y'know..." my mom starts. "There was this kid at my high school, Ryan, and he was always hanging out with the sports kids. But one day-"
    "Mom!" I say, cutting her off. "I have work to do, and so does Leah."
    "Yeah, yeah, whatever," she says as she walks away, probably to go watch the newest season of The Bachelor.
        "I always see so much trash around the school, maybe recycling cans in the hallways?" Tara says to me as we lie on the carpeted floor of her living room. It's Saturday, and we're planning changes I could make once I win this election.
    "Yeah, but there's already cans in the classrooms," I say dejectedly.
    "Well, the sophomore dance is coming up in a couple of months, what's your idea for that?" Tara asks.
    "I was thinking Fairy Tale? So princess/prince/royalty looks, and decorations of dragons, witches, things like that. Get what I mean?" I tell her.
    "That sounds fun! See, you have good ideas!" Tara says, giving me a little push.
    "Hey, you wanna get some pizza?" I ask as we get up from the floor.
    "Yes!" she says excitedly.
    We walk to Piece a' Pizza, the pizza place downtown. As we're waiting on our slices, I see Noah with his friends: Lucas, Greg, and Isaiah. He looks over at the counter and catches my eye. I quickly look away as Tara and I grab our slices. We leave the pizzeria, and when I glance back through the window, Noah's still looking at me.

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