Chapter 3

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Monday rolls around, and so does science with Noah. Unfortunately, he doesn't have a game coming up, so I have nothing to pray he fails about. Mrs. Bodér wraps up her lesson as the bell rings. Noah rushes out of the classroom, but a piece of paper on his desk catches my eye. I pick it up and investigate it. It seems to be some sort of permission slip, maybe something important. Science is my only class with him, but I grab the paper anyway. There's a chance I could see him in the hallway, so maybe I'll give it to him then. Regardless, I slip the paper into my bag and make my way to the courtyard.
As Tara, Jocelyn, and I eat lunch, I mentally debate whether to bring Noah the paper now. I mean, it's my best chance, but he's with all his jock friends. 
You've got this, it's fine, I tell myself.
I get up and begin to walk over to the wooden table that sits near the main entrance to the courtyard. Eight of the most popular jocks in school sit there, usually being rowdy and annoying. Today, as predicted, they're being rowdy and annoying. Noah's usually not the one causing a ruckus, but his friends are constantly making loud noises. Not that I watch him at lunch. I'm almost at their table when I hear what they're talking about.
"I'm so glad you're gonna be the class president, man," Annoying Jock #1 says, hitting Noah on the back.
"Well, there's still that weird nerd running," Annoying Jock #2 points out.
"Yeah, but Noah's gonna beat him. Right Noah?" Annoying Jock #1 says with a smile, turning to Noah.
My eyes start to water, and I turn around and hurry back to the bench under the tree. The bell rings, and everyone begins to file out of the courtyard.
"Beck, wait!" Noah tries to say to me through the crowd of people, but I leave him behind, wiping the tears from my eyes. When I reach my locker, I slip the paper back into my bag.
I'll give it to him after trivia club today. He definitely has some sort of sports practice, so he'll be in the locker room, I console myself.
As I sit through 6th period, I can't help but replay what Noah's friends said at lunch. Maybe I am a weird nerd, but I will NOT let Noah beat me.

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