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Devaki lay on the cold, hard ground of her prison cell, her swollen belly, evidence of her seven months of pregnancy, rising and falling with each breath. The dim light filtering in through the small barred window cast a soft glow on her peaceful face, her long dark hair splayed out around her like a halo.

Her delicate hands rested on her stomach, cradling the life growing inside her. Despite the discomfort of her surroundings, Devaki was fast asleep, lost in a deep, dreamless slumber. The weight of her seventh pregnancy had taken its toll on her weary body, and she had succumbed to exhaustion.

Beside her, Vasudev also lay asleep, his arm draped protectively over her. Despite the harsh conditions of their imprisonment, there was a sense of tranquility in the air. Devaki's face was serene, a rare moment of calm amidst the turmoil and uncertainty that surrounded them. She had long since grown accustomed to the discomfort of the cold, hard floor, finding comfort in the knowledge that she was not alone in her suffering.

A soft glow began to emanate from the corner of the cell, slowly growing brighter until it filled the entire space. In the midst of the radiant light, the Devi Yogmaya appeared, her form shimmering with an ethereal beauty that seemed to fill the entire room with a sense of peace and tranquility.

The goddess entered the womb of Devaki and came out carrying the divine embryo in her hands, leaving the mother-to-be completely undisturbed in her slumber.

With a final glance filled with compassion at the sleeping couple, Yogmaya vanished into thin air, leaving no trace of her presence behind.

As the moon cast a soft glow into their dingy prison cell, Devaki suddenly felt a strange sensation wash over her. She shifted restlessly, her eyes fluttering open as she tried to shake off the feeling of foreboding that gripped her heart. Something was not right.

It was as if something had shifted within her, a feeling of emptiness that sent a shiver down her spine. She bolted upright, her heart pounding in her chest as she realized that something was terribly wrong.

"Arya !" Devaki cried shaking her husband urgently.

Vasudev stirred and blinked sleepily, his eyes widening in alarm as he took in the panic-stricken look on Devaki's face.

He asked, "Kya huya Devaki ?"

"Meri santaan !" She gasped, clutching at her stomach, "Meri santaan mere garbh mei nahi hai Arya !"

Vasudev couldn't understand, "Hey Narayan, yeh kaisi leela hai ?"


The moonlit night in Gokul was serene and peaceful, the air filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers. As the villagers slept, unaware of the divine events about to unfold, a radiant light began to illuminate the sky. Yogmaya, her form exuding grace and power, descended down in the house of Nand with the embryo of Devaki in her hand.

She entered the room of Rohini, who was laying asleep.  Yogmaya gently placed the embryo in Rohini's womb. The room was filled with a warm, golden light as the divine transfer took place.

Feeling certain sensations inside her body, Rohini stirred from her slumber and opened her eyes, only to be met with the awe-inspiring sight of Yogmaya standing before her. Overwhelmed with reverence and disbelief, Rohini instinctively bowed before the goddess, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and wonder.

But as her eyes lifted to meet Yogmaya's gaze, Rohini's shock grew as she noticed her own belly, now swollen with the miraculous pregnancy.

Before she could utter a word, Yogmaya spoke in a voice that echoed with divine power and compassion, "Hari ki iccha se aur tumhare kalyaan hetu Devaki ke saatve santaan ko maine tumhare garbh mei sthaapit kar diya hai, Rohini. Iss liye tumhara janma yeh putra Samkarshan kehlayega. Yeh aur koi nahi apetu Sheshnaag ka avatar hai."

Rohini's eyes widened in disbelief, but she knew that she could not question the will of the goddess. As she sat there, entranced by Yogmaya's words, she felt a sense of purpose and responsibility wash over her.

She nodded in acceptance, her heart filled with a newfound determination. As quickly as she had appeared, Yogmaya vanished into the night, leaving Rohini flustered and a bit embarrassed by the surreal encounter.


I think this transfer of wombs can be considered the first surrogacy in history 🌝✨