02 | Sad Boy Poet

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Bellamy and Bella were both hidden away in his room, they were silently reading together on by his bay window but he doubted either of them were focusing on the words in front of them. His mind was filtering back to the conversation... apologies, the one-sided bullying with Edward and the pained Adonis who just so happened to be his victim's brother. He doesn't know what it is but he could feel a pull leading him to them and he's not sure if he wants to throw caution to the wind and act on it, or if he should stay far far away from them and their family of models.

There was something off about them, and maybe it was their freakishly pale skin and golden eyes or maybe even their inhuman beauty. But there was something unusual about them, something that screamed danger to him.

And now hear him out, okay?

Bellamy has never, in all seventeen years of his life been somebody who falls for somebody at first sight, let alone somebody who obsesses over a person he hardly knew. He was walking into new territory here and it scared him shitless. There was also the fact that Edward may or may not be a mind reader so that wasn't at all helping him here. Bellamy's not sure if he should inform his sister about his discovery, he's still not even sure if he's right but if he is he thinks his sister should know so she can protect her mind.

But if he's wrong, then he's going to look like the biggest idiot in the world. She'll blame his paranoia on all the fantasy books he reads, he knows she will. And maybe she's right, maybe he was mixing the world of fiction with reality, but on the off chance he is right? Well, wouldn't it be better to know beforehand?

No, he'll wait, he doesn't need to panic just yet, he'll watch and see how things play out. So, he read. He read with his sister until his eyes grew heavy and his mind eventually fell, losing to exhaustion. 

Bellamy doesn't remember the exact moment he fell asleep, but upon waking up to a face full of his sister's hair splattered across his face, he expects that it was late into the night. He sighs and pushes his sister's hair out of his face, a small smile curling up the corner of his lips. He doesn't make a move to get up and instead moves his sister who'd been curled up in his sides and wraps an arm around her, hugging his twin closer to his body. They used to sleep together a lot when they were younger, but their mother forced them to part as they got older, telling them it wasn't 'right'. Now whenever they got the chance, they liked to curl up together for naps. It was comforting, like watching a puzzle piece fall into place.

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