AU a million years in the future:unwanted unexpected (4/1)

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"I need to speak with your queen,"she said breathing heavily

Tempest guard:
"Sorry but I can't let that happen with a citizen an-" as he was talking the door opened reliving Ashley tempest

"What is going on here" the one who come out,was wearing clothes only the richest people could wear which made Eve know who she was

" Queen Ashley tempest ruler of the tempest nation I need your help my family and nation needs your help!!" She said bowing down her hend touching the ground in front of everyone watching, and some might say that Eve simple respect Ashley but you would be wrong she was only bowing down because she knows that Ashley can't say no, Eve only respect those who need respect and not those who want it, and Ashley wanted respect, and this is one of the reasons why Eve might never respect her but she was willing to play her game of wanting it until she helps them

"Oh my, who do we have here, princess Eve, you may stand up I used to be a princess like you you know "she said coming out and walking closer to her as Eve was still bowing down " I said you can stand up can't you hear "she said tightly her hands feeling uncomfortable around her for some reason as she walks back a little while Eve finally got up and look at her eyes

"Queen Ashley I need your help "

" What kind of help?" She asked feeling uncomfortable with her

"Well in short order, My father the king is summoning a demon, I'm not sure what he plans to use it with, and before you ask where is my family in all of this, he plans to feed them to it in fact he plans to feed half of the nation to it!"

"What " she said feeling sick by it" why would he summon a demon doesn't he know that demons are humanitys enemies what does he plan to do with it!!"

" I have already told you that I don't know!, but we can still stop it-"as she was talking something or someone else appeared right next to her releasing a aura that she couldn't explain nor understand yet she knew someone was next to her and without facing it shs asked a different question " who, who are you......"you could feel and see her body fall under his aura. And the one next to her looked at her with a unique look one that no one could see " who I am doesn't matter but if you are really that interested in what I am then I'm just a slime~'"he said in a voice that's both educative and amusing which seemed to comfort her in a way enough to feel safe around him even if it's a little bit enough for her to ask again " and what does that mean....." She said as she finally faced him but she can't see him or in a simple way she couldn't see his face as he was wearing a white mask with red lines on it and a dot in the middle of it covering his whole face but she could still see his hair which was almost dark blue " I mean exactly what I mean when I say that I'm a slime, and don't even try to understand it if you can't forget it for now Eve we can talk later right now I want to talk to her" he said pointing at Ashley (??: that's her right Ciel, veldora daughter huh, Ciel: yes master it's her

" Who?, me!"she said feeling uneasy about it as she hasn't said anything since he showed up " ... who else am I pointing at?," he said with a bored face even though no one could see it " sorry I guess if you feel offended although it means little to me, but why would you want to talk to me? " After she said that he looked at the sky for a moment before looking at her again" sigh, alright then first of all tell me your name "he said waiting for her answer. " You don't know who I am??, that's a bit shocking in truth I thought everyone around the world would know who I am by now but I guess not " as she said that he just looked at her"...... I'm not from around here if you can't see that already " he said a bit annoyed by her ( Ciel: master is from the same place but different time. ??: I know Ciel no need to say it tho. Ciel: no master is just angry that veldora had a child before him ??: alright alright). " oh I see then well my name is Ashley tempest ruler of the tempest nation " she said with her usual self. " Well then hear me queen of tempest Ashley tempest I chaso order you to call all the powerful nation, demon Lords, true dragons and heroes to come to tempest in three days! " He said with authority and power looking down on everyone " and why should I!?, what will happen if I don't!!" She said feeling uneasy about it. "........ The world will his hands azathoth remember that name " he said with a smile on his face but again no one could see it " who is that!??, and why would it end by his hands azathoth hands tell me why!!" She said shaking uncomfortable with how things are going " haha hahahaha ( starts removing his masks reliving his face with gold and red eyes ) don't worry they all know that name very well, now go only three days Ashley tempest..."after that you could all guess that she left, leaving him and Eve

"What did you mean by that..." She asked him while standing next to him facing the gates of the city while he was putting on his masks again " come with me we have a lot to talk about princess Eve your family is waiting " she looked at him after he said that wondering about her father " if you are wondering about your father, my friend already killed him and I'm not sorry about it " he said still looking at the gate. " Well that makes two of us then, and can we go I want to see my family " he just smiled under the mask " yes let's go "

To be continued

I do apologise for it being late and short since this phone has been giving me problems, but who am I kidding it is always late, see y'all

Oh yeah before I forget I want someone to tell me what's going on in the picture for this chapter 🤔

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