AU a million years in the future:???(4/3)

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Sorry late chapter I have been busy with school lately

within the walls of grace the kingdom of hope for all wrong doings where one can do anything he or she wants without the fear of being killed, a safe place for all wrong doings a place where nobody can call you out for anything murder is an hourly thing, human trafficking and sexual activity while children being sold for buyers everyday are very high ranking number one in the world, families losing their children,

Friends all, while the king watched it all from the safety of his castle; he did as he pleased, while his underlings did as they pleased.

That was the way my father ruled over this land for years, and now that he is finally gone, my sister Lias will rule this nation...

She made a promise to make this nation peaceful and respected by other nations.

"What was the nickname for this nation again? Oh, yes - the devil's playground."

To me, it was the perfect name for it while it was under my father's rule, but now it will have a new ruler.

Sia's POV:

"Greetings to you all, nobles and ministers! I only have a few words to say: make sure to honor your new queen when she comes in... The rain of my father is over _ all those who object to it speak now _" To say the least, I wasn't sure what I was really doing, but Rimuru-sama already made plans to make Lias queen, and my part in all this is to just get everyone here to agree with me. It shouldn't be too hard.

"..." The whole meeting room was quiet until one of them voiced their concerns about it

"And why should we follow a kid like you? Do you think you can boss us around? Who do you think you are?!"

" ... is that all? So far, I've only heard complaints about you, and here you are talking as if you have any power in the nation anymore. (Mirena stands next to him as he stares at her coldly, his eyes colder than ice. It's clear what he's about to do.) Let me clarify something: you no longer have access to power within this nation; you are useless to me and others. You're just dead weight. Nothing good comes out of you."

"He is right, Sir Mirena. If you don't understand why he is doing this, I'm afraid there is nothing I can help you with." Sir James, a friend of Mirena, said what he already knows that it will happen.

"Huh!?! What are you talking about? This kid can't do anything to me!!"

" Enough!! You have said enough." I was a bit annoyed with him right now, but I can't do anything about it.

"Huh... you talk too highly of yourself, kid, but fine, I'll take my free naps while you guys work your asses off. Haha, and I know my money, gold, equipment, and diamonds will keep me fed and living like a king. Haha."

He talks as if everything will be all right for him; that everything will go back to normal in a few days or so... but

"A nap here, a nap there, a day off here, a day off there, sitting back, taking it easy-do you know what comes next?

Just this: You can look forward to a dirt-poor life, with poverty as your permanent roommate!"as I said that it looks like he didn't understand what I meant

"what do you mean by that...!?"

" You're still as slow as ever I see...-to make it more sample for your small mind I have already seized all your assets from your mansions, business and other underground business I have them all in my hands, ask your friends they already know, I already have there's as well (holding him by his clothes) now all of you stand up and welcome my sister and this nation future queen " as I finished speaking my mind the doors to the meeting hall opened reliving four individuals, coming in first was azathoth wearing his everyday clothes without the care in the world, followed by Michael who had a sample but complexed face releasing a aura of unknown origin it wasn't an aura of a demon Lord or true hero nor was it a aura of a devil or a god but something in between them all while the three one to enter wasn't any better he or she was just the opposite he had blue hair while a mask covered his face and the clothes he was wearing were unknown to the people present in the meeting hall and the last to enter was Lias wearing clothes like a queen ready to make a difference, and all the others in the room started standing up, many out of fear of what might happen to them if they don't

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