Reader Experience

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Warnings and stuff that will be mentioned:

Suicidal thoughts, mention of self harm, references to body image, mental health, eating disorders.

Quick note: I have not changed ANYTHING that she has said only added spacing and paragraphs to make it easier for u guys to read and the things in these brackets () are from her and the things in these brackets [] are from me that are just comments, this is all completely original and you can go see her comment at the end of the chapter about social media (2nd chapter).

This is from AnnWasNotFoundXxXxX on the chapter about social media :]]

i can't even stop MYSLEF FROM crying because this is reletable 😭 

and if you have your phone watched... that means the only friend throuth tiktok isnt gonna be o there and can't be my therapist (if anyone didnt know alredy its autor) [I'll find a way around it dw😂] And i can't talk about my life... my lifes been shit last like year and i have had so many suicidental (don't know the right word) [suicidal:]] thought, i was thinking about starting sh and wanted to run from my home. but our favorite, We rolling with it <333 [awh <3], helped my throuth all this and i enjoy talking to you all. wattpad changed my life. to better And worse. i met all you, but i think i got addicted like seriosly and i can't go one day without reading. [neither😅]

i alredy said that my life has been shit So let me tell you exactly why. in like 2-3 and half grade, i was like the hated child. everyone bullied me, fat shamed me and i needed to survive it. if anyone touched me, they were disgusted even when i normally showered and i took decent care of my body (except being fat because i couldnt) [ur beautiful <3] So like there was nothing wrong with me, then my classmates started to act a little bit normal so i was happy that i had "friends", except... they werent friends, almost all of them were fake. so i went after that to next school. and there the bullying and fat shaming started again. i can't take it i hate my body and my parents can't get anything that is heppening in my life. 

My father treathened me (or how you write it) [threatened :]] that he will kick me outta house and that doesnt make me feel better :DD

i also have mental problems and also have to think if i am trully my sexuality cuz i question it like last month a lot and everything is going wrong in my life. i also have something like... idk like when people have eating disorter but i have quite the opposite, like i overeat too much but i can't help it. only like 3 people made my life better. my brother, autor of this fanfiction, And my brothers wife. i am now better because i admitted this to like whole world. 

anyway if you, autor want to make chapter out of my life you can, i don't mind :D ILYYY [ily toooooo <3]"

I am proud to call AnnWasNotFoundXxXxX  one of my closest friends and I'm so proud of her for sharing her experience <3

If you do not understand the first bit she was just talking about the chapter about social media which should be the 2nd chapter I made, including the one that it is advised you read before continuing :]

And for a bit of context, we both follow each other on tik tok and have been talking on there about some things that she mentioned here :D

I would also like to say that in no offending way AT ALL AnnWasNotFoundXxXxX you do have an eating disorder and this has shown one of the many reasons I have made this because a lot of people think that an eating disorder is when you starve yourself but IT IS NOT. This should be covered in the next chapter :]

Thanks to AnnWasNotFoundXxXxX once again for sharing and thanks to everyone for listening to this :]]

If there is any sign of hate against her then we will have issues. Got it?

- We Rolling With It <3

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