Online hate

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Warnings and stuff that will be mentioned:

Swearingggggg, twitter shit + dream (I think that's it?)

I swear it's been forever since I updated this so sorryyyyyy

Anyways as far as I am aware rn this is gonna be a double chapter bc I cbb to do two separate ones bc I'm lazy af :D (never mind it's over 1000 words so just one topic :])

Side noteeee: dream antis, if u ever find this book (I doubt u will), with the upmost disrespect please fuck off or I will tear ur asses apart bc I am sick to death of u little shits. <3

So online hate:

I personally think that it is easier to get hate online because people find it harder to tell if you are joking or not.

I know since our beloved dream's "the truth" video came out the antis have died down, however before they were actually awful. 

Now I don't have twitter but I am on tik tok and it was bad. Like really bad on there. So I can't even begin to imagine what twitter would've been like.

I remember one time there was this video, probably like an edit or something, about dream and I went to the comment section and to be honest it was heartbreaking. Anyone who commented something positive got ripped apart but antis. 

So, like the legend I fucking am, I left a comment which, at the end, was praising the video and apologising to the creator as it was sad it had reached the wrong audience. But at the start of my comment I wrote something about how I was grateful because he had brought me and my brother closer or something I can't remember that well.

These antis were not having that...

I got replies saying:

"I'm sure he loves you and your brother too (literally)"

"He's a pedo"

"U support a pedo?"

And all sorts.

I'm pretty sure I fought back to begin with, you know trying to say he was innocent because I actually stayed a fan (gotta love how my two bsfs both hated on him-)

Anyway I ended up replying to the comment about me and my brother and telling them that my brother was dead.


Anyways I don't know if it was the same person or someone else who then said something about how they were glad that me and my brother are now closer because of him (blah blah blah)

Yeah so I replied to that with past tense please AND THEY FUCKING USED PAST TENSE-

To be honest I kind of look back on that one now and think about how fucking ridiculous it was...

I think that it was sick that I had to tell them my brother had died when he hadn't just to get them to leave me alone.

I swear I have fought off so many antis it's fucking ridiculous at this point.

One of the things that makes me laugh is that before the video came out the fans were being torn down by antis on every single video they commented on and the thing was that there wasn't really any proof yet (we were waiting on the video) so it was harder to defend ourselves.

I remember going on tik tok after I'd watched it and going into the comments and we started battering the antis because now we had evidence, now we could properly defend and it was funny to see how stupid they were because they now had nothing against him to argue with other than their opinions.

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