Reader Experience

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Warnings and stuff that will be mentioned:

(Content that will be covered is mentioned at the start :])

Our second story or experience (whatever u wanna call it-) is from Yourlocaltrashishere :]

Same rules apply as always, no inappropriate jokes about any of the topics that could make her feel uncomfortable. If I see any then they will be deleted or I will speak to u.

This was written to me in private however I have changed one thing, purely bc I made a spelling error when replying so I removed that and the response to that, other than that nothing else has been changed at all :]

Normal: Yourlocaltrashishere 

Italic: me :]


Ok so when I was younger I had divorced parents but my mom left me that's when dad got full custody and she left me for men and while my dad had custody of me he met a women named cara and she was literally evil she would beat me and would manipulate me but I loved her because she was the only mom I had even though she treated me like shitThen eventually they broke up but dad never knew she beat me she would wait until nap time to do it then cover me in makeup for me to go to school and so no one would see

Then he got with a girl named Miranda and they would do drugs and leave me downstairs alone there was barely any money for food for me to eat we had barely had anything my dad overdosed in the upstairs bathroom and left me downstairs for hours him and Miranda I was always hungry they where constantly fighting it was a very toxic house hold always fightingThen one day I went to school and said I was hungry then cps was called and took me to my grandmas my mom was back finally I got to see my mom after years then everything was fine until I got a bit older she left again and again and again sometime for weeks or just days for her to go and hookup with men then she left but this time for 2 years and I had no dad or mom my dad was in and out of rehab so I was living with my grandma she never called or texted my grandpa was always drunk and my grandma had to work so it was just me and my sister aria I raised her pretty much I taught her how to read count ABC changed her diaper EVEEYTHING that a parent should have doneI got bullied a lot in school bc I was just the weird kid also I was kinda finding myself then at one point I realized I liked girls and didn't know what to do bc my family is homophobic but I stilled like boys so I just played off that I only like boysThen my mom came back finally but pregnant again she left us and came back with another fucking kid and she treats him way better than she ever treated us I thought it was bullshit bc it was unfair then a year later my dad started seeing me again for visits then those turned into every other weekend to every other week which is what I do now that's when I started discover my issues my daddy issues and mommy issues I got very depressed going to his house but just delt with it bc I had to and it was court ordered so I was struggling with mental health bad until it got to a point where I was at my lowest and started to self harmAlmost every night id do it and will myself out of existence I'd pass out sometimes and would wake up with blood all over me I never came out of my room ever I wore long sleeves and jackets in the summer and was afraid to even look in the mirror or shower bc I didn't want to be reminded of them also bc they sting so bad in the showerBut at one point I was getting ready to over heat so I drew alk over my arm with black marker over fresh cuts it sting like he'll but no one noticed until my mom rubbed again my arm and I flinched and she felt my ark and found out she thought I was doing it for attention and yelled and screamed at me fyi I forgot to put this but this was last year in the summer around the time I just turned 12 no one noticed other than my mom but I lied to her and said I stopped then began to do my thighs and ankles it hurt to walk sometimes but I got used to it after awhile Then I started getting bad suicidal thoughts at first they weren't that bad but then they escalted I would try to over dose on pills or try to stop my hear by over using my inhaler which actually worked I passed out but woke back up and my bones felt ache bc of lack of oxygen can do that to your body I didn't come out of my room other than 2 times that day I tried to cut until I bled out to much so maybe I could die from loss of bloodalso around this time I began to develop an eating disorder I didn't want to eat bc of my pills I have to take pills every time I eat or else I won't digest them I have a diagnosis called CF cosmic fibrosis I have actually the rarest type you can search it up its easier to explain but I can't digest food with this pill called zenpep so every time I ate I had to take them and that's how it started I stopped eating so I wouldn't have to take them then I got used to not eating then it Gor worse I wouldn't eat for a full day or only eat short portions of meals and throw away the rest I couldn't bear to look in the mirror I was skinny and underweight but to me I looked fat through my eyes bc when I looked in the mirror I felt ugly disgusted all I saw was fatness and scars I wouldn't change my clothes for weeks sometimes bc I didn't wanna see myself I was disgusted with my body Then my pills finally got token away ( i have took them since I was 5) and my eating got somewhat better but not rlly bc until this day I still struggle with eating but I actual eat now I have actually gained wait and finally weigh 80 pounds after being underweight for awhile I still am A LOT but its better then what it was beforeI almost got sent to the mental hospital bc my therapist was worried abt me and didn't wanna lose me and my dad abt sent me to I had to beg him until we made an agreement I've been to the hospital before but not for that reason it was bc of my condition I am in out of the hospital bc I was supposed to die at 7 but the pills saved me I went from going to die at 7 to 14 to 30 to now 50-60s it was weordly a miracle I guess its easier if you just search up my condition bc its a lot to explain but it involves my lungs and digestive I have to do a breathing treatment every morning and night I believe that is all sorry Ik its a lot- I tried to out in as much detail as I could

I am so fucking proud of u holy shit, u did amazing <3

Awhh ty! I have had a lot of fucked up stuff go on and I forgot to put in some stuff but oh well it was just the fact I was groomed by my grandpa and he played the victimIf anything you kinda helped me its nice to have someone to talk to and say weird ass shit jsjsjsj<3333I can go into more detail if you want me to on that one btw

Ur response is the whole reason I am doing this, if u would like to then u can go into more detail but if u aren't comfortable then I don't mind :]

sure yea I'm comfortable with it ppl can hear my story and no matter how much you go through youll eventually make your way through is my lil saying

Ok so my grandpa has always been really weird hes always looked at me weird or up and down we live by a lake so we go swimming often in the summer and he would always look me up and down and it was fucking weird and freaked me out and my cousin he's done it to me since I was 9 was when I began to notice and I yelled at him and said stop staring and id get in trouble he's A drunkie and is always drunk he leaves at 11 am every morning to go grab achol idk how to spell It- but I constantly saw him on porn or jacking off and just recently I walked downstairs no wall no door nothing. Right as you go down the stairs his computer and desk and him are right there he's sitting there jacking off and I went down there for a jewlry kit which was under his desk I look at him with a wtf expression. He looked me strait in my eyes and went faster and I ran upstairs saying I needed bleach and was joking abt it bc it happens so often I thought it was normal. Then I told my counselor and she said she needed to call cps because of it. Cps came to the house my whole family was pissed my dad wanted full custody because he didn't want me living with a ped0 and he was keeping me from them unless he left. So he left for a few days then came straight back. Fyi I was grounded for a month they said that he was drunk and that was his private area WHEN ITS FUCKING A DOWNSTAIRS LIVING HONEY THAT AINT PRIVATE TF. And he played the victim and said he didn't see me when he looked me straight in my eyes and went faster and almost came like wtf and to do this day he still lived he still looks at me weird and I could call the cops if I wanted to and get him arrested but I don't because I always put higher first there happiness there needs and wants everything. But they called me selfish, A brat, in emapthtic, horrible rolemodel, A horrible sister, and made me feel like shit and yelled at !e for weeks saying how much of a horrible person I am and that's the complete fucking opposite they make me feel
Like shit everyday and they wonder why I never come out of my room and am just in bed 24/7 —

I'm so so so proud of u for sharing that with me and literally everyone who reads this :D

Stay safe and keep talking <3

- We Rolling With It <3

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