Do you look at yourself

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"I'm sorry....sorry." I said as I bumped into people in the crowded hallway of Hogwarts. Right now I was headed to potions class with Snape. To be honest taking his class is better than his detention. I have just been here for 2 weeks at most and I have been in detention the most time.......well the reason behind was that as soon as I entered the class I spilled most of the potions. Earning a week's detention.

"Francesca!!" Someone yelled my name, as I looked behind in hope it was someone I wanted to recognize me but it was Parvati the Gryffindor girl. I stopped walking for her to reach. "Yeah?......" I asked her. "Are you going to Snape's class?" She asked me, "Yeah?....but how do you know that?" I asked as know no one knows my schedule. "I didn't just a hunch because you never leave for any class early well, except Snape's." She said making me laugh. "so do you need anything?" I asked "Yeah, if you find Harry there tell him that Ron was looking for him," Parvati said and I nodded and left for class. As I settled in class I saw Luna sitting alone. She was a Ravenclaw just like me, so I moved to sit with her. "Hey," I said "mind if I sit here?" I asked her. "no go on...." She said with a faint smile. "So are you finding Hogwarts interesting?" She asked me. "Yeah.... it's good not bad." I told her truthfully earning laughs from the backseat. I turned around to find the mischievous twins. "Um can I help you?" I asked them. "You could but-" said Fred then George  continued "-your new here." They said making me laugh. "Well, mischievous twins then it's not my but your guys fault." I said making them laugh even more. I rolled my eyes at them playfully.
And then Snape walked in then his amazing cloak. To be honest this man got style.


"Miss Lupin, detention!!" Snape said making me groan. "Again!!! I can't believe that." I said as I banged my head on the table in front of me. "I'll make it a two weeks detention if you don't stop whining." He said in his  monotone voice. I left class sulking when my eyes caught the sight of a blonde walking somewhere. Today I wanted to find out the truth. Before I could proceed my mission I heard Harry calling me, "Francesca stop!!" I looked ahead to find him approaching me. "well, hello Mister famous." I said to him as he was quite famous here. "ha ha ha, now cissy listen," Harry sarcastically said as he took my nickname "Mrs Weasley's letter came she wants to know if your doing good?" He asked me. "Well, I have another detention with Snape you tell how am I?" I asked him making his eyes go wide. "Another?!!" He asked bewildered. "Unfortunately, yes." I told him. "well, then you write her a letter and yourself." He told me as he walked to the Great Hall to have lunch. I told him how I kept messing up things around Snape. As we entered the Great Hall many kids turned around to look at us. They haven't gotten used to the idea of that a simple girl like me having a friend and brother like Harry. Harry and I knew each other since he came to the Weasley's house when Ron broke him out of his uncle's house. I was there as Mrs Weasley need my help.
I stopped as I sat down on the Gryffindor's table with Parvati and Ginny. "Gosh people can you serve me some food I'm too tired to put things in my plate!!!" I was practically whining at which Ginny playfully rolled her eyes as she served me. Then Parvati my dear best friend being a brat she is took some food off my plate for herself. "really!!" I said at which she smirked and nodded.
"So, now that we are finally talking tell me why did you suddenly got in Hogwarts for?" Ginny asked me as she eyed me. "Well,  you see I skipped my early two years because of Dad's health and now that he is fine so he wanted me to resume my studies." I told them as I ate. "but you know nothing about the first two years what are you going to do?! And even how are you going to learn magic from the scratch?!!" Ginny asked terrified for me. I looked at Parvati with a look 'she's kidding me right' "Gin, sweetie I have done a lot of magic and I don't need the two years that dearly. Okay don't be worried for me. " I told her at which she relaxed. Making me sigh in relief as for a minute she sounded like Granger.


It was cold but I had waken up due to something. I looked around to find the source. But to my dismay it was just my roommates. I laid back on the bed and tried to sleep but I couldn't. As I closed my eyes I heard a movement and I snapped open my eyes again as I got up in my bed and looked around. "Who there?" I asked as I whipped my wand out. I was met with silence. Feeling quite awake I got out of bed and headed outside. It was four in the morning as I roamed on the ground of Hogwarts. I was feeling little cold but otherwise it was nice. I sat under a tree and closed my eyes and soon darkness greeted me.

I woke up again, again due to something. I looked around just to find birds chirping rubbing my eyes I got up. I looked around when I thought I saw a dog. A black dog. Wanting to confirm my thoughts I walked in it's direction to find nothing then again I felt movement behind and I looked behind while stepping backwards and then I stumbled over something crashed in the Black lake. Oh no!! Oh no I struggled I didn't know how to swim. I splashed my hands here and there only to met with disappointment. As I felt myself drowning!!! I wanted to scream but my lungs were burning due to lack of oxygen. Then someone pulled me outside. Someone pulled me outside and laid me on the grass. I was breathing heavily and kept my eyes closed. Then opened to find the one I was after. Draco Malfoy.
"What the hell were you doing in the water when you can not swim!?" He asked me as he glared at me.
"Taking a swim?" I answered his question like a question. "Go back inside it's five thirty go and change your clothes." He said as he himself laid on the grass. "Why do behave differently here?" I asked him my dying question since I got here. "just go." He said gentlely as he used to when I met him. "I'm dropping the subject now but you can't run forever." I said as I got up and left him there. "oh if it isn't my dear daughter." I heard dad from behind. I looked to find my dad and the teacher of defence against the dark arts, Remus lupin. "Oh yes it is." I said.

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