chapter 6: Ending not so nice

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"Where are your thoughts these days Mr Black?" Said Snape. My eyes got wide hearing my mum's last name. "Snape." I hissed. "Oh...dear forgot you are not a Black perhaps Malfoy?" He said "No, thank you just Draco is fine." I replied.
"Well, In that case the answer to my question?" He asked. "No where professor. You must have mistaken it." I replied.
"Ah...yes I must have mistaken you looking out the classroom window and then blowing up the potion. Well, don't you think I have a vivid imagination?" Snape sarcastically said. He was right I wasn't paying attention and I did blow up the potion. I was thinking of Lucius letter. And then there was Francesca. Her goodbye felt like a slap to the face. I was ignoring the pain for long time but it was true with her I had a special bond. One that I never had with Theodore or Blaise. Sure they were good friends but they aren't my best friends. Not like her.
"Well?" He snapped at me again. "Do you want your mother to know about your association with her ex husband?"
Ah how could he survive without threatening me.
I had convinced Snape somehow that my association with Lucius was for the benefits of mom. But he wouldn't miss a chance to remind me he was doing me a favour and he holding the upper hand.

"Well, dear Godfather I am having trouble with my love life If you like to know further-" I was cut off by Snape saying, "Draco I don't have time for ridiculous things. Now on to detention. Arrange these books." He motioned towards his book racks and I happily compiled.
Even though I was his godson he never let little things like detention slide.
Detention was his favorite and his recent victim was Francesca. She had attended more detentions than Harry in the time period of one month.

It was when I was in the middle of arranging the books when Dumbledore entered his office. "Severus. We have important matters to attend to....." He stopped when he saw me. "Draco..?" He said a little stunned. "Hello sir." I said "professor has gone to give detention to Francesca." I told him. "And you are.....?" He was trying to know what I was doing in Snape's office. "Serving detention by arranging his book racks." I replied. "Severus does love detentions doesn't he?" He muttered under his breath. "Certainly." I replied as I placed on the heaviest potion's book I ever lifted. I grunted . "Doesn't let you use magic?" He questioned. "Says it's to easy." I replied. "Well, isn't arranging his book racks enough?" Dumbledore asked. I shrugged not knowing what to say. As he didn't go away or moved from his position I asked him, "Can I help you with something?" "No, but can I help you with something, Draco?" He asked. " I can't ask you to arrange nooks with me-" he cut me off but saying"Not that my boy. Your life. I mean anything in your life you need help for?" I was stunned for a few seconds and then replied, "No, certainly nothing." "Very well but I offer stands if ever need help you know where to find me." He said and at that moment Snape came. "Dumbledore, how can I help you." He said as he entered. "Ah finally Severus you came I have important matters to discuss." The headmaster said. "Yes," Snape said then Dumbledore glanced in my direction. "You can say he won't open his mouth. Even if wanted to he's got no friends" Snape said.
"How helpful." Muttered under my breath.sure he was saying the truth but I didn't want the headmaster to know my personal struggles.
"Very well, you heard of Sirius escape. Well he had been sighted many times near Hogwarts. I am afraid he's after Harry." Dumbledore said as he paced in the office.
The detention I so wanted to get out of a while ago. Now I wanted to stay and listen. So I was working really slow. Fortunately Snape didn't notice the unnecessary slowness in my movements. "Well, reckon that Remus lupin is involved in this." Snape declared. "Don't be ridiculous Remus is fine. Why would he help Sirius." Dumbledore said calmly. "Well if you forgot let me remind you they were friends back in the times when they were in Hogwarts." Snape said.
It seemed he despised Francesca's father.
"That may or may not be possible. I am not commenting. Anyway there is other news. Remember that someone gave away Harry's parents location to you-know-who." Said Dumbledore.
I didn't understand why Dumbledore didn't take that person's name. He was quite strong.
"Yes and...." Said Snape. It seemed as if couldn't be any less interested. "Well, seems like Sirius gave away their location." Dumbledore said making me drop a few books.
I expected Snape to snap at me but he didn't he just remain still. No expression on his face.
"Sirius is the reason why Lily is dead." Snape said. "Unfortunately. But I'm debating on if I should tell Harry this or not." Dumbledore stated.
"You should." I said without thinking and then I realized what I had done.
"Draco I suggest you pay attention on detention not on our conversation." Snape said in his monotone voice.
"Wait a minute Severus, what is your opinion on this?" He asked me. "Why does his opinion matter?" Snape said coldly.
"Continue Draco." Headmaster said ignoring my godfather.
"Well, if I was in Harry's position I would like to know who was the reason for the death of my parents. Moreover he should know who Sirius is. What if Sirius contacts him somehow and I don't know feed wrong information." I spoke my mind.
Dumbledore nodded. "You have quite the brains." He commented making my pale skin go slightly red. "No big deal." I brushed off his comment. Went back to arranging books.

"And Snape, Sirius is Harry's godfather." Dumbledore said. He told the bad part at the end. And this time a whole bundle of books crashed the floor.
"Mr Draco quit your detention go back. I'll deal with you later." Snape said and even though I wanted to stay I existed his office.
Sirius was Harry's godfather and he was reason his parents are six feet down.


I was in the Slytherin common room.I was still thinking about Harry's situation. Poor lad has so much on his plate from a young age.
I hate that we are not friends. All due to my father. If I didn't need the money for mum's health I wouldn't be so different here. I would be me. Sure I'm sarcastic but not mean.
"Aye! Draco who you thinking of?" Theo asked me as he wrote something on a parchment.
"Nothing much." I replied. "Well have you seen Parkinson. She is hanging out with a Ravenclaw these days." This piece of information perked my attention. "Ravenclaw?" I questioned. "Yeah, I don't know here but she is the same Ravenclaw how is friends with Harry." He replied.

That girl really was something else.
"I see.... anything other than this?" I asked as I grabbed the daily prophet News paper. "Well, oh yeah hogsmeade is Tomorrow." Replied and continued, "I got a date." He replied. "Good for you." We heard a feminine voice. I looked over to see Pansy with someone who I missed dearly in the past few days.
"Yeah, I know she's nice and like me.........." Theo stopped midway. He noticed France. "Oh....hi Ravenclaw right?" He asked. I looked confused at him that was not her name. "Exactly." She replied. They came around and sat in front of  me on a couch. She was looking beautiful. A bag was hung around her shoulder.
"What is she doing here?" Theo asked curiously.
"Well, she is with me Theodore any issues?" She strictly asked. "No ma'am." He immediately surrendered. "And Raven this is Theodore and that is no other than our beloved Draco Malfoy."
"Well it's a pleasure meeting you both I hope you'll enjoy my company because I'm staying the night." She said looking straight at me with some determination. This wasn't going to end nicely for me. I loosened the tightness of my tie around my neck.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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