Chapter 4: Don't you dare.........well

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"Open your charms books." Said the professor as I took out my book. I was spacing out as he taught. Lucius' words echoed in my mind. Was he serious? was my question. But I wouldn't dare question him. Not because I'm afraid but because he is a phycopath if he saw my fear he'll used to his benefits. Sighing I looked around the class just to find her eyes pricing through my soul. She was smart I'm not surprised she has figured out I'm someone else here. I instantly looked away not wanting to look vulnerable. I focused on the teacher's words. As class ended I got up and left for the next class when I my way was stopped by Parkinson. I looked at her confused. "Does your father have a stop button?" She asked me. "Excuse me?" I asked not offended at all. "He send my father a letter to set you and me up. And ugh! God knows my father was looking for such an opportunity. I can't date you!" She finally stated her reason. "Okay," I said as I was about to go she pulled me back by my collar. "Listen Malfoy I am not something you can buy okay!! So don't even think of it. And tell your sick father to not think of it." She whispered in my ear, dangerously close to me. I pulled back feeling uncomfortable. "Pansy I usually don't let people touch me so never pull like this." I told her politely as I walked off.

"My, my, my....... look what we have here." I dreaded that voice. "Draco don't you dare.......well even if you dare I will catch up to you." She said as I was about to turn the other direction. I was damned today when I thought I should go and see the view on the bridge. "I don't know what you mean?" I played the dumb card. She hates those. "Yeah, maybe you don't...." She said making me turn back to look at her. She was looking at the view too, she was leaning over the railing. Her lips were in a thin line. I remained quiet not knowing what to say. Then without a warning she flung herself on me and caught me in a hug.

Alarmed I was about to push her off me when she said, "No need, I just wanted to say goodbye." Guilt rushed in me. Then she got off and said, "Goodbye Tsundere!" She said calling me the nick name I never understood but loved it.
And just like that she walked away without questioning me.


Did I broke her?

I'm asking myself this since last week. It's been a while since she stopped pestering.
I was playing with my food when I saw her coming to the Great Hall and she wasn't alone. She was tagging with Ronald and looking hell as happy.

I smiled a little looking at her. I didn't like it but it was true she and me were not good being friends I will only cause her harm. I was someone here I was not and it will just effect her. As I looked away I saw Parkinson looking in my direction with a mischief in her eyes. I had a lot of decent conversations with this girl and know when she is up to no good. I usually stay quiet and not bother about her but this mischief was related to me and it didn't sit well with me. Then she got up from her spot and took one beside me. I focused on my food. Then she placed her hand on my hand making me flitch and pull it back. "So, it's true ...." She said. Making me look at her confused. What the hell was she talking about. Parkinson was the type of girl who digged out gossip out of everything. EVERYTHING. I mean it. I didn't practically liking it but always kept my distance from her. "Parkinson, is there something you would like to share?" I asked her casually. "The Ravenclaw, she is I don't know....your long lost friend." She whispered the last part in my ear. I shifted as I didn't feel comfortable with her so close to me. "Parkinson, your habit of digging up gossip needs to stop when it comes to my matters or else you forget I can be quite dangerous." I said slowly before getting up I said, "and for the record if your looking into my life this closely then it's your fault our fathers want to set us up." The last part of to piss her off and it worked pretty good as I could see her fists all round up to punch me as I got up and left.


I woke up due to the cold breeze. Not closing the window was a mistake. But then I saw mum's owl in the window. Worried I got up and took the note.

Dear Draco

How are things going. I heard this year you have been advanced. Well I hope everything works out. Do tell me everything detailed in the letter you know how boring it gets alone in the house with only me and nana.
The town's missing you and dropped by your favorite goods. I have frozen them so when you get back I'll ask Nana to give you.
Take care and don't forget your mum.

Loves Nana who actually wrote it.

I sighed as I read the letter. Glad she was okay. She usually got attacks at night but with Nana her condition was getting better but not perfect.

I looked at the crumbled letter of Lucius I had thrown on the floor. I had to soon make a decision even though I had decided but I had to delay him till I could.

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